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Enron Mail |
Attorney Work Product Privileges Asserted
Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Phillip K Allen X-To: Mike Grigsby <Mike Grigsby/HOU/ECT@ECT<, Keith Holst <Keith Holst/HOU/ECT@ect<, Frank Ermis <Frank Ermis/HOU/ECT@ECT<, Jane M Tholt <Jane M Tholt/HOU/ECT@ECT<, Jay Reitmeyer <Jay Reitmeyer/HOU/ECT@ECT<, Tori Kuykendall <Tori Kuykendall/HOU/ECT@ECT<, Matthew Lenhart <Matthew Lenhart/HOU/ECT@ECT< X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Phillip_Allen_Jan2002_1\Allen, Phillip K.\'Sent Mail X-Origin: Allen-P X-FileName: pallen (Non-Privileged).pst ---------------------- Forwarded by Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT on 05/04/2001 10:15 AM --------------------------- James D Steffes@ENRON 05/03/2001 05:44 AM To: Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: Western Wholesale Activities - Gas & Power Conf. Call Privileged & Confidential Communication Attorney-Client Communication and Attorney Work Product Privileges Asserted Please forward to anyone on your team that wants updates on Western wholesale matters (should also give you an opportunity to raise state matters if you want to discuss). Jim ---------------------- Forwarded by James D Steffes/NA/Enron on 05/03/2001 07:42 AM --------------------------- Ray Alvarez 05/02/2001 05:40 PM To: Steve Walton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT, Leslie Lawner/NA/Enron@Enron, Rebecca W Cantrell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donna Fulton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, jalexander@gibbs-bruns.com, Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Linda J Noske/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: Western Wholesale Activities - Gas & Power Conf. Call Privileged & Confidential Communication Attorney-Client Communication and Attorney Work Product Privileges Asserted Date: Every Thursday Time: 1:00 pm Pacific, 3:00 pm Central, and 4:00 pm Eastern time, Number: 1-888-271-0949, Host Code: 661877, (for Jim only), Participant Code: 936022, (for everyone else), Attached is the table of the on-going FERC issues and proceedings updated for use on tomorrow's conference call. It is available to all team members on the O drive. Please feel free to revise/add to/ update this table as appropriate. Proposed agenda for tomorrow: Power- Discussion of FERC market monitoring and mitigation order in EL00-95-12 and review of upcoming filings Gas- Response to subpoenas of SoCal Edison in RP00-241 and upcoming items Misc. I will be unable to participate in the call tomorrow as I will be attending the Senate Energy and Resource Committee Hearing on the elements of the FERC market monitoring and mitigation order.