Enron Mail

Subject:Re: This morning's Commission meeting delayed
Date:Wed, 25 Apr 2001 06:52:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT on 04/25/2001
01:51 PM ---------------------------

Ray Alvarez@ENRON
04/25/2001 11:48 AM
To: Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: This morning's Commission meeting delayed

Phil, I suspect that discussions/negotiations are taking place behind closed
doors "in smoke filled rooms", if not directly between Commissioners then
among FERC staffers. Never say never, but I think it is highly unlikely that
the final order will contain a fixed price cap. I base this belief in large
part on what I heard at a luncheon I attended yesterday afternoon at which
the keynote speaker was FERC Chairman Curt Hebert. Although the Chairman
began his presentation by expressly stating that he would not comment or
answer questions on pending proceedings before the Commission, Hebert had
some enlightening comments which relate to price caps:

Price caps are almost never the right answer
Price Caps will have the effect of prolonging shortages
Competitive choices for consumers is the right answer
Any solution, however short term, that does not increase supply or reduce
demand, is not acceptable
Eight out of eleven western Governors oppose price caps, in that they would
export California's problems to the West

This is the latest intelligence I have on the matter, and it's a pretty
strong anti- price cap position. Of course, Hebert is just one Commissioner
out of 3 currently on the Commission, but he controls the meeting agenda and
if the draft order is not to his liking, the item could be bumped off the
agenda. Hope this info helps. Ray

Phillip K Allen@ECT
04/25/2001 02:28 PM
To: Ray Alvarez/NA/Enron@ENRON

Subject: Re: This morning's Commission meeting delayed

Are there behind closed doors discussions being held prior to the meeting?
Is there the potential for a surprise announcement of some sort of fixed
price gas or power cap once the open meeting finally happens?