Enron Mail

Subject:Fitting the bill
Date:Fri, 21 Dec 2001 14:45:00 -0800 (PST)

The Energy Insight Staff is off for the holidays. We'll be back in the off=
ice with new analysis December 26. Happy Holidays!

GE] [IMAGE] Updated: Dec. 26, 2001 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMA=
GE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Fitting the bill Utility asset ma=
nagement used to be just about pipes and wires. In the wake of competition =
many utilities have reinvented themselves as retail operations whose main a=
ssets are customers. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Fight over hydro proje=
ct could become war Outcome could set precedent for other relicensing Env=
ironmental issues may be deciding factor [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
IMAGE] [IMAGE] Enron auditor, SEC official admit failures Enron w=
ithheld vital information Analysts were slow to drop coverage [IMAGE] [I=
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] A sci-fi twist in clean coal=
research Bioprocessing cleans impurities Scientists create coal-adapted m=
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] NRC expected to okay inc=
reases in output from Exelon units full story... TXU wins okay to sell dis=
tribution, generation in UK full story... EEI urges FERC to scale back pro=
posed affiliate rule full story... Creditors seek bankruptcy for NYC plant=
developer full story... Mirant says power portfolio should be 30,000 MW b=
y 2005 full story... AGA survey says gas installed in most new housing ful=
l story... El Paso says reaches deal to sell $750M of its stock full story=
... AEP seals $960M deal, buys 4,000 MW from Edison unit full story... Lu=
koil-Odessa begins sale of jet fuel in Ukraine full story... New Mexico re=
finer to pay $510,000 fine, invest $20M full story... To view all of today=
's Executive News headlines, click here [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE=
] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Copyright ? 2001 - Platts, All R=
ights Reserved [IMAGE] Market Brief Friday, December 21 Stocks Close =
Change % Change DJIA 10,035.34 50.2 0.50% DJ 15 Util. 284.69 (1.3) -0.47% =
NASDAQ 1,945.83 27.31 1.42% S&P 500 1,144.89 5.0 0.44% Market Vols Cl=
ose Change % Change AMEX (000) 122,558 (36,092.0) -22.75% NASDAQ (000) 2,34=
9,650 330,765.0 16.38% NYSE (000) 1,707,915 272,099.0 18.95% Commodit=
ies Close Change % Change Crude Oil (Feb) 19.62 0.32 1.66% Heating Oil (Ja=
n) 0.5484 0.002 0.44% Nat. Gas (Henry) 2.895 0.185 6.83% Propane (Jan) 32=
.00 0.50 1.59% Palo Verde (Jan) 28.00 0.00 0.00% COB (Jan) 28.00 0.00 0.=
00% PJM (Jan) 31.15 0.00 0.00% Dollar US $ Close Change % Change Austr=
alia $ 1.968 (0.008) -0.40% Canada $ 1.59 0.007 0.44% Germany Dmark 2.=
20 0.025 1.15% Euro 0.8880 (0.010) -1.12% Japan ?en 129.6 0.900 0.70% =
Mexico NP 9.12 (0.040) -0.44% UK Pound 0.6959 0.0044 0.64% Foreign I=
ndices Close Change % Change Arg MerVal 320.46 0.00 0.00% Austr All Ord. 3=
,314.10 27.90 0.85% Braz Bovespa 13368.53 450.39 3.49% Can TSE 300 7528.=
30 73.30 0.98% Germany DAX 5019.01 84.87 1.72% HK HangSeng 11158.1 (443.0=
4) -3.82% Japan Nikkei 225 10335.45 (99.07) -0.95% Mexico IPC 6380.60 117=
.31 1.87% UK FTSE 100 5,159.20 79.00 1.56% Source: Yahoo!, Trading=
Day.com and NYMEX.com =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IM=
=09 =09

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