Enron Mail

Subject:GMC's Bold New SUV
Date:Wed, 17 Oct 2001 02:40:06 -0700 (PDT)

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[IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09 =09[IMAGE]=09

[IMAGE] =09 Envoy: GMC's Bold New SUV The GMC Envoy is one of the nic=
est surprises of the 2002 model year. It represents a comprehensive improv=
ement over its Jimmy predecessor, making it one of the most competitive mi=
d-sized SUVs on the market. The fact that it is still "truck-based" - whi=
ch essentially refers to the full-frame construction that makes its Yukon =
big brother such a beefy workhorse - does not mean that this SUV rides lik=
e a truck. Quite the contrary, the Envoy is smooth and refined in a way th=
at would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. Of course, the market=
in which the Envoy competes has become packed with excellent choices, wit=
h everyone from Acura to Mercury entering the fray. We drove an Envoy SLE =
4WD to find out how it stacks up. Full Review < < You are re=
ceiving this Special Edition newsletter because you signed up to receive i=
nformation and updates from Autoweb.com. In addition to our monthly newsle=
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new vehicles that we think will interest you. If you no longer wish to re=
ceive Autoweb.com's monthly newsletter, please follow the instructions bel=
ow. =09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] Experience Envoy Now Does Envoy Measure Up=
? Check out Envoy's DVD =09

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