Enron Mail

Date:Sat, 27 Oct 2001 11:35:54 -0700 (PDT)

[IMAGE] Dear PHILLIP, Your privacy is extremely important to us. You =
are receiving this offer because you are a registered member of one of our =
affiliate sites. As the leader in permission-based email marketing, the Opt=
in Network is committed to delivering a highly rewarding experience with o=
ffers that include discounts, bargains, special offers, and sweepstakes, al=
ong with entertainment, travel and financial opportunities. The Opt in Ne=
twork is a FREE service devoted to bringing its members the most exclusive =
promotions on the Web. (You'll quickly see that The Opt in Network will res=
pect your "mind share" by limiting opportunities sent to you only to the "b=
est of the best.") To start in high gear: As an introductory token of our =
appreciation we're giving you a FREE $5.00 Gift Certificate at Magazine Rew=
ards! You can enjoy a wide selection of more than 1,500 great titles, inclu=
ding PC Magazine, Newsweek, Time, Cosmopolitan and Maxim! [IMAGE] To tak=
e advantage of this special offer, just click below: http://www.opt-track.n=
et/opt .asp?AD=3D3929 Your Membership not only has its privileges, it's ju=
st a click away! We encourage you to find out why tens of millions of membe=
rs can't be wrong. Warmest regards, Your List Services Team Open2Win If =
for some reason you choose not to participate in The Opt in Network and get=
free and heavily discounted offers, click here. Smart Deals, Just a C=
lick Away! =09