Enron Mail

Subject:Introducing Morpheus 2.0!
Date:Wed, 26 Dec 2001 10:46:02 -0800 (PST)

[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09=09=09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] Be your =
own Boss and Work from Home. Click here to get FREE Information on how yo=
u can make up to $4000 per Week!! Click Here! [IMAGE] WELCOME!!! W=
elcome to the first installment of The Morpheus Minute, the not-so-weekly n=
ewsletter brought to you by software makers, StreamCast Networks! As a Morp=
heus software user, you've helped shape the LARGEST p2p community in the wo=
rld, a community completely created and sustained by you and folks like you=
, all over the globe. With The Morpheus Minute, you'll receive insider ti=
ps on new product features, answers to your most pressing technology questi=
ons, and much more! You'll even have opportunities to cash in on some great=
contests and deals! So, let's get going! [IMAGE] ANNOUNCING MORPHEUS 2.0=
! Keep your eyes peeled and your ears to the ground, Morpheus 2.0 (M2) wi=
ll be launching soon! The StreamCast Networks Tech Gurus have been working =
diligently to develop a new feature set to give you the best p2p user-exper=
ience possible. M2 features include XP compatibility and links to the Gnute=
lla network, further enhancing your ability to connect and communicate with=
millions of people all over the world. Stay tuned for more details! [IMAG=
E] Shop Til Ya Drop! Did the Holiday's sneak up on you again this year? Ne=
ed a present quick? Send an eGift? and relax.... StreamCast has teamed up=
with CatalogCity to help you get organized lickety split! With CatalogCity=
's eGift? service you can send last minute gifts with lightening speed!! Ar=
e you shopping for a finicky friend? Are you unsure about sizes or favorite=
colors? Resolve all of these problems and more with eGift?! Best of all, y=
our gift announcement arrives in minutes, so it's never too late! Visit Ca=
talogCity today!! [IMAGE] Ask D.C. Flash! D.C. wants to know what's on y=
our mind! Can't find your password? Questions about compatibility? Need to =
know what shoes to wear with your orange cords? D.C. might not be able to a=
nswer that last one, but everything related to Morpheus and peer-to-peer te=
chnology is fair game! 1) When are you going to release a MAC version? =
We plan to have a MAC compatible version in spring of 2002. Thanks for you=
r patience. 2) I lost my password, what should I do? All users who lose =
their passwords will be flogged repeatedly! No, no, just kidding. If you lo=
se your password, simply register as a new user and enter a new, unique use=
rname and password. Next time, we flog you. 3) After I connect and run a s=
earch, I find results, but when I try to download, I receive a message that=
says "more sources needed." What should I do? Right click on the downloa=
d and then select "search for more sources." This still might not find the =
download that your are looking for, but if it does not, D.C. Flash says, "S=
earch Again!" 4) How can I talk directly with another user on-line? Ther=
e are several ways to communicate with other users. After completing a sear=
ch, right click on the user's name you would like to contact, and send them=
a Morpheus Message. You can also use the chat feature, which is accessible=
through the navigation bar on the left side of the Morpheus client. Soon, =
with M2 you'll be able to contact other users with best-of-breed instant me=
ssaging services!! Get FREE ringtones for your Nokia cell phone!! Zingy, a=
free service that allows you to download thousands of free ringtones and l=
ogos for your Nokia cellular phone. Limited time only offer! Get them while=
they are free! Click here [IMAGE] Sleuth, Scoop and Set It Off! Hey ne=
wsmongers! Do you want to be the next Big Talking Head or Super News Column=
ist? Now you have the chance! Rarely does the Little Guy have the opportuni=
ty to raise his voice, but with Morpheus software, YOU have the power to ch=
ange that. Write articles, produce video magazines, or record audio news fi=
les, it's up to you! When you're done crafting your report, place your medi=
a in your shared files folder. With Morpheus, you can--Be the Media! Shou=
ld You Check Your Credit Report? Of course! We all check our credit card s=
tatements for inaccuracies and we should do the same for our credit histo=
ry. Click here now to check yours FOR FREE at ConsumerInfo.Com! ADVERT=