Enron Mail

Subject:November 2001: Car buying tips..
Date:Fri, 23 Nov 2001 05:32:54 -0800 (PST)

AutoToolBox.net Newletter: November 2001 =09
AutoToolBox.net [IMAGE]Welcome to the Car Site For Car People! =09
BROWSE [IMAGE] Main Page [IMAGE] Car Buying [IMAGE] Used Ca=
rs [IMAGE] Auto Loans [IMAGE] Car Insurance [IMAGE] Auto News [I=
MAGE] DMV Map [IMAGE] Driving Directions [IMAGE] OUR PARTNERS =
CanTire.com Carfax CarParts.com CarPrices The Tire Rack Warrant=
ybynet [IMAGE] Welcome to the Car Site For Car People [IMAGE] We=
try to give the average person a listing of the best resources on the web=
related to cars and car buying. We've filtered out the hype and endless o=
nline marketing to give you the leads to the most useful resources. [IMAG=
E] New Car Buying Methods A guide to new money-saving online car-bu=
ying resources. Learn about several interesting online car-buying methods. =
What is the best way to buy a car online? Can the Internet somehow help peo=
ple save money when buying a car? There are indeed ways to utilize the Int=
ernet to shop for - and even buy - a less expensive car using the Internet=
. Click here for more info [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Arrive At The Dealership =
With A Pre-Approved Loan Did you know you can get tax-deductible auto=
loans for new or used cars? Plus: An overview of various online financing =
options. Sometimes the best way to go car shopping is with money in-hand to=
serve as a bargaining tool. Sometimes it is a real pain to line up at the=
bank to shop for loans. Click here for more info [IMAGE] [IMAGE] N=
ews Line November USA: Toyota may extend zero-interest financing in U.=
S. (Reuters) GERMANY: Porsche posts record profit, extends CEO contract (R=
euters) ITALY: Lancia Thesis to lead Fiat luxury move (Reuters) HONG KONG=
: INTERVIEW: Daimler sees big future in China, but cautious (Reuters) USA:=
Ford scraps Explorer hybrid USA: Ford nears settlement in discrimation su=
its - WSJ (Reuters) USA: GM to fold e-business unit back into company - WS=
J (Reuters) USA: Ford names new Asia, Mazda chiefs in latest shakeup (Reut=
ers) USA: US output down 12.5% YTD UK: Ricardo sets up motorsport divisio=
n [IMAGE] =09
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