Enron Mail

Subject:Organizational Structure Topic - Berney Aucoin
Date:Wed, 21 Nov 2001 08:43:21 -0800 (PST)

Good Morning. I hope all is well.

I have tried not bother you with this project during 4Q, but now I need for you to review the content that was developed for your area. Please make an effort to review this content and get it back to me next week COB Nov. 28th.. You can add, subtract, correct, etc. to this content. Thanks on advance

Have a Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels.

---------------------- Forwarded by Kirk McDaniel/HOU/EES on 11/21/2001 10:36 AM ---------------------------

sheri.a.righi@accenture.com on 11/20/2001 08:44:26 PM
To: kmcdani@enron.com
cc: monica.l.brown@accenture.com, donald.l.barnhart@accenture.com
Subject: Organizational Structure Topic - Berney Aucoin

Kirk -

Attached is our draft of the Organizational Structure topic for the
Knowledge System. Berney Aucoin is the official sign-off for this topic. He
is also responsible for the Accounting and Reporting topic which will not
be ready for sign-off until mid-December. Monica is currently working with
Errol McLaughlin to help develop this topic.

I know challenging times are ahead, please let me know what I can do to
help facilitate this review process. Ideally, we would like to have this
topic edited (includes providing any missing content) by Monday, December

Thank you.

(See attached file: Org Structure Topic_V1.doc)

Sheri A. Righi
Human Performance Service Line
Hartford - One Financial Plaza
Direct Dial: 860 756 2245
VPN & Octel: 765 2245
e-mail: sheri.a.righi@Accenture.com

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- Org Structure Topic_V1.doc