Enron Mail

Subject:This deal is crazy PHILLIP
Date:Thu, 20 Dec 2001 13:04:40 -0800 (PST)

Free Genuine Quartz
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09 DATE: 12/19/01 RE: FREE* Genuine Quar=
tz Titanium timepiece for PHILLIP... PHILLIP, Yes, you're reading well=
. Now you can get a Genuine Quartz Titanium Watch, with gold and silver lin=
k band, and it's yours FREE* of charge! -- But PHILLIP, this is not just a =
great looking watch; it's a sophisticated quartz timepiece made in Japan fr=
om resistant Titanium alloy, with separate dials for date & day, a sweep ha=
nd for accurate timing and luminous green dial with highlighted hands for e=
asier time reading in the dark. Click here now to claim your FREE* Genuin=
e Quartz Titanium Watch! You are entitled to receive the FREE* Genuine Qu=
artz Titanium Watch, valued at $35.00 just by becoming a Sprint long distan=
ce customer. With Sprint 7? AnyTimesm Online plan, you will get 7? per minu=
te state-to-state calling, with no monthly fee**. Simply remain a customer =
for 90 days, complete the redemption certificate you will receive by mail, =
and we will send you your Genuine Quartz Titanium Watch absolutely FREE*. C=
lick here now! =09 FOR: PHILLIP DISTRIBUTION NO: 0330672-01 [IMAGE] [IMA=
GE] Genuine Titanium Gold and Silver Link Band Separate dials for d=
ate and time Sweep hand for accurate timing Luminous Green dial =
with highlighted hands [IMAGE] =09
=09=09 *Requires change of state-to-state long distance carrier to Sprint, =
remaining a customer for 90 days and completion of redemption certificate s=
ent by mail. **When you select all online options such as online ordering, =
online bill payment, online customer service and staying a Spring customer,=
you will reduce your recurring charge and SAVE $5.95 every month. In order=
to reduce or eliminate the $5.95 monthly fee you need to order online, use=
online bill paying and customer service and stay with Sprint. Promotion ex=
cludes current Sprint customers. =09