Enron Mail

Subject:Yahoo! Newsletter, November 2001
Date:Sun, 25 Nov 2001 09:10:47 -0800 (PST)

[IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE] Yahoo! Warehouse - What's In It For You Visit=
the Yahoo! Warehouse grand opening for deals on used, overstock, and clea=
rance goods from distributors, liquidators, and individual sellers. Buy you=
r favorite books, music, DVDs and videos, video games, computers, and elect=
ronics at bargain prices! Got stuff to sell? It's a cinch to list your item=
s and watch your business grow. Four Dimensions of Shopping The New Yaho=
o! Shopping consists of Shopping, Warehouse, Auctions, and Classifieds. Se=
lect the universal search box to find that perfect holiday gift, or make a =
purchase for yourself or your business. Buy brand-name goods from catalog m=
erchants or boutique storefronts; commodity items from discount sellers; on=
e-of-a-kind collectibles on auction; or cars, pets, furnishings, and more f=
rom sellers in your local area. Shop at Home for the Holidays Find great =
gift ideas and seasonal specials at the Yahoo! Shopping Gift Center . Or vi=
sit the Cosmo Gift Guide 's boutique collection of presents for the ladies =
on your list, including Mom (plus treats for that special someone -- you)! =
From Yahoo! Shopping and Cosmopolitan Magazine -- your favorite things for =
the holidays or anytime. Desktop Essentials Made Easy One simple download=
gets you started with three powerful Yahoo! Essentials : Yahoo! Messenger,=
for instant messaging; Yahoo! Companion, a custom toolbar for your browser=
; and the Messenger Explorer bar, for access to messaging within your brows=
er. Don't miss Yahoo! Messenger's new IMVironments -- liven up your instan=
t chat with interactive themes like Dilbert, Hello Kitty, or the Super Smas=
h Bros. Set up your Windows desktop for easy access to your favorite Yahoo!=
services and preferences. More Great Ways to Yahoo! Short Takes * P=
ut Your Resume Where the Jobs Are - Create an online resume and post it fo=
r free on Yahoo! Careers -- thousands of jobs listings are just a click awa=
y. Let employers find you. * Consumer Reports Auto Hub - Steer your way t=
o expert, unbiased buying advice before you shop the showrooms. Get 90-day =
access to over 150 in-depth vehicle reports for only $9.95. Sample one of t=
he free reports on Yahoo! Autos, like this Best & Worst Used Cars . * Simp=
lify Your Financial Life - Let Yahoo! Finance organize all your accounts, =
calculate and monitor your net worth, and automatically create budgets that=
save you money. Completely free! * Yahoo! Mortgage Center - Mortgage int=
erest rates keep falling. Want to see how much you could save by refinancin=
g? Apply online for a loan and receive up to four offers. Cool Stuff *=
Shop for Thanksgiving - Everything you need for a feast at home or away: =
cookbooks, centerpieces, tools for roasting and carving, and even the tende=
rest turkeys. * Want to Sell Your Car? - Advertise your vehicle on Yahoo!=
Auto Classifieds -- it's easy to reach an audience of millions. Only $14.9=
5 for 21 days. Use Yahoo! Wallet and our secure web submission form. * Fan=
tasy NBA - What's bigger, badder, and better than Yahoo! Sports' free Fant=
asy NBA? Premium add-ons that raise your game to a new level. Try the Fanta=
sy NBA StatTracker, only $7.95 for an edge that lasts all season. Then, get=
Wireless Access for those remote last-minute moves -- $3.95 buys you a sea=
son's worth of mobile play. * Yahoo! Personals - Make a date, find a mate=
. Membership is less than $20 a month. Join ClubConnect now and get your fi=
rst month free. Offer available until November 30, 2001. Copyright ? 20=
01 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. =09

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