Enron Mail

Subject:Your Weekly Movie Showtimes from Amazon.com
Date:Fri, 26 Oct 2001 07:59:54 -0700 (PDT)

=09=09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09
[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE] =09 =09New This Weekend: 13 Ghosts 13 Ghosts RTony Sh=
alhoub, Shannon Elizabeth Gear up for Halloween with 13 Ghosts , a state=
-of-the-art remake of the 1960 cult favorite about a family that inheri=
ts a gigantic old house. Wouldn't you know it: the house is already occupi=
ed... by ghosts (13 of them!) with a decidedly deadly agenda. Also new thi=
s weekend: when a seemingly normal man (Kevin Spacey) announces he's from =
another planet, it's up to his psychiatrist (Jeff Bridges) to find out exa=
ctly what's behind his strange story in the drama K-PAX . N'Sync boys Lan=
ce Bass and Joey Fatone swap music for movies in On the Line , and Snoop =
Dogg is a ghost determined to clean up his old neighborhood in Bones . =
Coming Soon: Monsters, Inc. Opens November 2 [IMAGE] Take a look inside =
Monsters, Inc. , the new animated comedy from the makers of Toy Story. Yo=
u won't believe your eye! Return to Top =09 =09[IMAGE]=09
[IMAGE]=09=09=09=09 Showtimes for 13 Ghosts near ZIP Code 77055 Please no=
te: These showtimes start on Friday, October 26, 2001. To receive showtim=
es for a ZIP code different from 77055 in future e-mails, click here . =
AMC Studio 30 (American Multi-Cinema) 2949 Dunvale, Houston, TX 77063, 2=
81-319-4262 Showtimes: 1:00pm | 2:15pm | 3:25pm | 4:35pm | 5:50pm | 7:05p=
m | 8:05pm | 9:15pm | 10:15pm | 11:25pm | 12:25am Edwards Greenway Pala=
ce 24 (Edwards Theatres) 3839 Westlayan, Houston, TX 77027, 713-871-8880=
Showtimes: 12:45pm | 2:15pm | 3:15pm | 4:45pm | 5:30pm | 7:15pm | 8:15pm=
| 9:30pm | 10:30pm Edwards Houston Marq*E 23 (Edwards Theatres) 7620 =
Kati Freeway, Houston, TX 77024, 713-263-0808 Showtimes: 12:45pm | 1:45pm=
| 3:00pm | 4:00pm | 5:15pm | 6:15pm | 7:30pm | 8:30pm | 9:45pm | 10:30pm =
[IMAGE]=09=09=09=09 Films Opening This Week: 13 Ghosts RTony Shalhoub,=
Shannon Elizabeth [IMAGE]See Showtimes and more K-PAX Unrated Kevin =
Spacey, Jeff Bridges [IMAGE]See Showtimes and more Life as a House R=
Kevin Kline, Hayden Christensen [IMAGE]See Showtimes and more On the =
Line PGJames Lance Bass, Joey Fatone [IMAGE]See Showtimes and more =
[IMAGE]=09=09=09=09 Now Playing in Theaters near ZIP Code 77055 Please no=
te: These showtimes start on Friday, October 26, 2001. To receive showtim=
es for a ZIP Code different from 77055 in future e-mails, click here . =
1. AMC Studio 30 (American Multi-Cinema) 2949 Dunvale, Houston, T=
X 77063, 281-319-4262 13 Ghosts RTony Shalhoub, Shannon Elizabeth =
Showtimes: 1:00pm | 2:15pm | 3:25pm | 4:35pm | 5:50pm | 7:05pm | 8:05pm |=
9:15pm | 10:15pm | 11:25pm | 12:25am Bandits PG-13Bruce Willis, Bill=
y Bob Thornton Showtimes: 1:50pm | 3:00pm | 4:40pm | 5:45pm | 7:25pm | =
8:25pm | 10:10pm | 11:10pm | 12:50am Bones RSnoop Doggy Dogg, Pam Gr=
ier Showtimes: 1:15pm | 2:30pm | 3:40pm | 4:50pm | 6:00pm | 7:10pm | 8:=
20pm | 9:30pm | 10:40pm | 11:50pm | 12:50am Corky Romano PG-13Chris =
Kattan, Peter Falk Showtimes: 2:20pm | 4:25pm | 6:35pm | 8:35pm | 10:40=
pm | 12:45am Don't Say a Word RMichael Douglas Showtimes: 2:05pm=
| 4:45pm | 7:30pm | 10:05pm | 12:40am From Hell RJohnny Depp, Heath=
er Graham Showtimes: 1:45pm | 2:45pm | 4:30pm | 5:25pm | 7:15pm | 8:10p=
m | 9:55pm | 10:50pm | 12:35am Hardball PG-13Keanu Reeves, Diane Lan=
e Showtimes: 1:15pm | 3:30pm | 5:55pm | 8:30pm | 10:50pm Iron Monke=
y PG-13Donnie Yen, Rongguang Yu Showtimes: 2:10pm | 4:15pm | 6:20pm | =
8:25pm | 10:30pm | 12:30am Joy Ride RLeelee Sobieski Showtimes: =
1:00pm | 3:10pm | 5:25pm | 7:55pm | 10:20pm | 12:30am K-PAX Kevin Sp=
acey, Jeff Bridges Showtimes: 1:20pm | 2:25pm | 4:00pm | 5:10pm | 7:00p=
m | 8:00pm | 9:40pm | 10:35pm | 12:20am The Last Castle RRobert Red=
ford, James Gandolfini Showtimes: 1:25pm | 2:50pm | 4:15pm | 5:40pm | 7=
:25pm | 8:30pm | 10:10pm | 11:20pm | 12:50am Life as a House RKevin K=
line, Hayden Christensen Showtimes: 2:00pm | 4:55pm | 7:45pm | 10:35pm =
Max Keeble's Big Move PGAlex D. Linz, Zena Grey Showtimes: 1:05p=
m | 3:05pm | 5:10pm | 7:10pm Mulholland Drive RJustin Theroux, Laura=
Harring Showtimes: 1:40pm | 5:00pm | 8:10pm | 11:20pm On the Lin=
e PGJames Lance Bass, Joey Fatone Showtimes: 1:25pm | 3:30pm | 5:35pm =
| 7:40pm | 9:45pm | 11:50pm The Others PG-13Nicole Kidman, Christoph=
er Eccleston Showtimes: 5:30pm | 10:25pm | 12:45am Planet of the =
Apes PG-13Mark Wahlberg, Helena Bonham Carter Showtimes: 3:00pm | 7:50=
pm The Princess Diaries GJulie Andrews, Anne Hathaway Showtimes: 2=
:00pm | 4:45pm Riding in Cars with Boys PG-13Drew Barrymore, Steve =
Zahn Showtimes: 1:05pm | 2:10pm | 4:05pm | 5:05pm | 7:00pm | 8:00pm | 9=
:50pm | 10:45pm | 12:35am Rush Hour 2 PG-13Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker =
Showtimes: 9:20pm | 11:30pm Serendipity PG-13John Cusack, Kate Be=
ckinsale Showtimes: 1:10pm | 3:20pm | 5:30pm | 7:40pm | 9:45pm | 11:45p=
m Training Day RDenzel Washington, Ethan Hawke Showtimes: 1:10pm |=
2:35pm | 3:50pm | 5:20pm | 6:30pm | 7:20pm | 8:15pm | 9:10pm | 10:00pm | =
10:55pm | 11:55pm | 12:40am Zoolander PG-13Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson=
Showtimes: 1:00pm | 3:10pm | 5:20pm | 7:35pm | 9:40pm | 11:45pm =
2. Edwards Greenway Palace 24 (Edwards Theatres) 3839 Westlayan, H=
ouston, TX 77027, 713-871-8880 13 Ghosts RTony Shalhoub, Shannon Eli=
zabeth Showtimes: 12:45pm | 2:15pm | 3:15pm | 4:45pm | 5:30pm | 7:15pm =
| 8:15pm | 9:30pm | 10:30pm Bandits PG-13Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thorn=
ton Showtimes: 12:35pm | 1:35pm | 3:35pm | 4:35pm | 7:05pm | 7:35pm | 9=
:50pm | 10:20pm Bones RSnoop Doggy Dogg, Pam Grier Showtimes: 12:=
30pm | 3:00pm | 5:30pm | 8:00pm | 10:30pm Corky Romano PG-13Chris Ka=
ttan, Peter Falk Showtimes: 12:45pm | 3:00pm | 5:15pm | 7:30pm | 9:45pm=
Don't Say a Word RMichael Douglas Showtimes: 12:10pm | 2:40pm |=
5:25pm | 8:10pm | 10:40pm From Hell RJohnny Depp, Heather Graham =
Showtimes: 1:15pm | 2:15pm | 4:15pm | 5:00pm | 7:15pm | 7:45pm | 10:00pm =
| 10:30pm Hearts in Atlantis PG-13Anthony Hopkins, Anton Yelchin =
Showtimes: 12:35pm | 3:05pm | 5:35pm | 8:05pm | 10:35pm Iron Monkey =
PG-13Donnie Yen, Rongguang Yu Showtimes: 12:00pm | 2:30pm | 5:00pm | 7=
:30pm | 9:45pm Joy Ride RLeelee Sobieski Showtimes: 8:05pm | 10:=
20pm K-PAX Kevin Spacey, Jeff Bridges Showtimes: 1:00pm | 2:00pm | =
4:00pm | 5:00pm | 7:00pm | 8:00pm | 10:00pm | 10:30pm The Last Castl=
e RRobert Redford, James Gandolfini Showtimes: 12:00pm | 1:45pm | 3:30=
pm | 4:45pm | 7:00pm | 7:45pm | 10:00pm | 10:30pm Max Keeble's Big Mov=
e PGAlex D. Linz, Zena Grey Showtimes: 12:05pm | 2:05pm | 4:05pm | 6:=
05pm On the Line PGJames Lance Bass, Joey Fatone Showtimes: 12:1=
5pm | 2:30pm | 5:00pm | 7:30pm | 9:45pm Riding in Cars with Boys PG-=
13Drew Barrymore, Steve Zahn Showtimes: 12:00pm | 1:45pm | 3:30pm | 4:4=
5pm | 7:00pm | 7:45pm | 10:00pm | 10:30pm Serendipity PG-13John Cusa=
ck, Kate Beckinsale Showtimes: 12:00pm | 12:45pm | 2:15pm | 3:15pm | 4:=
45pm | 5:30pm | 7:15pm | 8:15pm | 9:30pm | 10:30pm Training Day RDenz=
el Washington, Ethan Hawke Showtimes: 1:00pm | 2:00pm | 4:00pm | 5:00pm=
| 7:00pm | 8:00pm | 10:00pm | 10:45pm Zoolander PG-13Ben Stiller, O=
wen Wilson Showtimes: 1:35pm | 3:50pm | 6:05pm | 8:20pm | 10:35pm =
3. Edwards Houston Marq*E 23 (Edwards Theatres) 7620 Kati Freeway,=
Houston, TX 77024, 713-263-0808 13 Ghosts RTony Shalhoub, Shannon E=
lizabeth Showtimes: 12:45pm | 1:45pm | 3:00pm | 4:00pm | 5:15pm | 6:15p=
m | 7:30pm | 8:30pm | 9:45pm | 10:30pm Bandits PG-13Bruce Willis, Bill=
y Bob Thornton Showtimes: 12:30pm | 3:30pm | 7:00pm | 9:45pm Bones=
RSnoop Doggy Dogg, Pam Grier Showtimes: 12:30pm | 2:00pm | 3:00pm | =
4:30pm | 5:30pm | 7:00pm | 8:00pm | 9:30pm | 10:30pm Corky Romano PG-=
13Chris Kattan, Peter Falk Showtimes: 12:45pm | 3:00pm | 5:15pm | 7:30p=
m | 9:30pm Don't Say a Word RMichael Douglas Showtimes: 12:00pm =
| 2:30pm | 5:15pm | 8:00pm | 10:30pm From Hell RJohnny Depp, Heather=
Graham Showtimes: 1:15pm | 2:15pm | 4:15pm | 5:00pm | 7:15pm | 7:45pm =
| 10:00pm | 10:30pm Hearts in Atlantis PG-13Anthony Hopkins, Anton =
Yelchin Showtimes: 1:30pm | 4:00pm Iron Monkey PG-13Donnie Yen, Ro=
ngguang Yu Showtimes: 12:30pm | 2:45pm | 5:00pm | 7:30pm | 9:45pm =
Joy Ride RLeelee Sobieski Showtimes: 6:30pm | 9:00pm K-PAX Kevin=
Spacey, Jeff Bridges Showtimes: 1:00pm | 2:00pm | 4:00pm | 5:00pm | 7:=
00pm | 8:00pm | 9:45pm | 10:30pm The Last Castle RRobert Redford, J=
ames Gandolfini Showtimes: 12:00pm | 1:45pm | 3:30pm | 4:45pm | 7:00pm =
| 7:45pm | 10:00pm | 10:30pm Max Keeble's Big Move PGAlex D. Linz, Ze=
na Grey Showtimes: 12:05pm | 2:05pm | 4:05pm | 6:05pm On the Line=
PGJames Lance Bass, Joey Fatone Showtimes: 12:30pm | 2:45pm | 5:15pm =
| 7:30pm | 9:45pm The Others PG-13Nicole Kidman, Christopher Ecclest=
on Showtimes: 8:05pm | 10:05pm Riding in Cars with Boys PG-13Dre=
w Barrymore, Steve Zahn Showtimes: 12:00pm | 1:45pm | 3:30pm | 4:45pm |=
7:00pm | 7:45pm | 10:00pm | 10:30pm Serendipity PG-13John Cusack, Kat=
e Beckinsale Showtimes: 12:15pm | 2:45pm | 5:15pm | 7:45pm | 10:00pm =
Training Day RDenzel Washington, Ethan Hawke Showtimes: 2:00pm | 5=
:00pm | 8:00pm | 10:40pm Zoolander PG-13Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson Sh=
owtimes: 12:15pm | 2:30pm | 4:45pm | 7:15pm | 9:30pm =09[IMAGE]=09
[IMAGE]=09=09=09=09 We hope you enjoyed receiving this newsletter. However=
, if you'd like to unsubscribe, please use the link below or click the You=
r Account button in the top right corner of any page on the Amazon.com Web=
site. Under the E-mail and Subscriptions heading, click the "Manage your =
Weekly Movie Showtimes e-mail" link. http://www.amazon.com/movies-email =
Copyright 2001 Amazon.com, Inc. All rights reserved. You may also chan=
ge your communication preferences by clicking the following link: http://=
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=09=09=09=09=09 =09