Enron Mail

Subject:Nondeliverable mail
Date:Thu, 29 Mar 2001 02:03:00 -0800 (PST)

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Here is the picture of the house I have in mind. I was going for a simple
farmhouse style to place on 5 acres near Wimberley.

A few points that might not be obvious from the plans are:

There will be a double porch across the back just like the front
No dormers (Metal roof)
1/2 bath under stairs
Overall dimensions are 55 by 40

What I am looking for is a little design help in the kitchen. More
cabinets, maybe a different shaped island, and a way to enlarge the pantry.
suggested that I find a way to make the exterior more attractive. I want
to keep a simple roof line to avoid leaks, but I was thinking about
bringing the left
side forward in the front of the house and place 1 gable in the front.
That might look good if the exterior was stone and stucco. Also the front
porch would
be smaller.

I have 3 bids from builders all around $325,000. I am ready to go ahead
and have the plans done so I can spec out all the finishings and choose a
I just wanted to give you the opportunity to do the work. As I mentioned
my alternative is $0.60/ft. I thought that since I had a such a detailed
sketch, you might consider the job for less than the $6,000 that Reagan

Phillip Allen

---------------------- Forwarded by Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT on 03/29/2001
09:10 AM ---------------------------

Hunter S Shively
03/26/2001 10:01 AM

To: phillip.k.allen@enron.com

(See attached file: F828FA00.PDF)

- F828FA00.PDF