Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Receipt of Team Selection Form - Executive Impact & Influence
Date:Tue, 5 Sep 2000 06:51:00 -0700 (PDT)

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X-From: Phillip K Allen
X-To: Ina Rangel
X-Folder: \Phillip_Allen_Dec2000\Notes Folders\Discussion threads
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---------------------- Forwarded by Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT on 09/05/2000
01:50 PM ---------------------------

"Christi Smith" <christi.smith@lrinet.com< on 09/05/2000 11:40:59 AM
Please respond to <christi.smith@lrinet.com<
To: <Phillip.K.Allen@enron.com<
cc: "Debbie Nowak (E-mail)" <dnowak@enron.com<
Subject: RE: Receipt of Team Selection Form - Executive Impact & Influence

We have not received your completed Team Selection information. It is
imperative that we receive your team's information (email, phone number,
office) asap. We cannot start your administration without this information,
and your raters will have less time to provide feedback for you.

Thank you for your assistance.


-----Original Message-----
From: Christi Smith [mailto:christi.smith@lrinet.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 10:33 AM
To: 'Phillip.K.Allen@enron.com'
Cc: Debbie Nowak (E-mail); Deborah Evans (E-mail)
Subject: Receipt of Team Selection Form - Executive Impact & Influence
Importance: High

Hi Phillip. We appreciate your prompt attention and completing the Team
Selection information.

Ideally, we needed to receive your team of raters on the Team Selection form
we sent you. The information needed is then easily transferred into the
database directly from that Excel spreadsheet. If you do not have the
ability to complete that form, inserting what you listed below, we still
require additional information.

We need each person's email address. Without the email address, we cannot
email them their internet link and ID to provide feedback for you, nor can
we send them an automatic reminder via email. It would also be good to have
each person's phone number, in the event we need to reach them.

So, we do need to receive that complete TS Excel spreadsheet, or if you need
to instead, provide the needed information via email.

Thank you for your assistance Phillip.

Christi L. Smith
Project Manager for Client Services
Keilty, Goldsmith & Company

-----Original Message-----
From: Phillip K Allen [mailto:Phillip.K.Allen@enron.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 12:03 PM
To: debe@fsddatasvc.com

John Lavorato-M

Mike Grigsby-D
Keith Holst-D
Frank Ermis-D
Steve South-D
Janie Tholt-D

Scott Neal-P
Hunter Shively-P
Tom Martin-P
John Arnold-P