Enron Mail

Subject:Demand-side management garnering more attention. Deregulation spa
Date:Tue, 12 Dec 2000 23:19:00 -0800 (PST)

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In Energy Insight for Wednesday, December 13, 2000

In Energy Insight Today (Blue Banner, all subscribers)
Demand-side management is making a resurgence because of reliability issues
and increased demand. Find out more about it at http://www.einsight.com.

In Energy Insight 2000 (Red Banner, premium-pay access only)

In Energy Insight, Energy Services, Electricity deregulation has sparked an
information technology revolution. In Energy Insight, Fuels, Ocean waves are
being researched as an endless source of electric generation. Also, read the
latest news headlines from Utility Telecom and Diversification at

Market Brief Tuesday, December 12
Stocks Close Change % Change
DJIA 10,768.27 42.5 0.4
DJ 15 Util. 388.57 2.2 0.6
NASDAQ 2,931.77 (83.3) (2.8)
S&P 500 1,371.18 (9.0) (0.7)

Market Vols Close Change % Change
AMEX (000) 71,436 (27,833.0) (28.0)
NASDAQ (000) 1,920,993 (529,883.0) (21.6)
NYSE (000) 1,079,963 (134,567.0) (11.1)

Commodities Close Change % Change
Crude Oil (Nov) 29.69 0.19 0.64
Heating Oil (Nov) 0.961 (0.02) (2.21)
Nat. Gas (Henry) 8.145 (1.27) (13.47)
Palo Verde (Nov) 200 0.00 0.00
COB (Nov) 97 0.00 0.00
PJM (Nov) 64 0.00 0.00

Dollar US $ Close Change % Change
Australia $ 1.847 (0.00) (0.16)
Canada $ 1.527 0.00 0.26
Germany Dmark 2.226 (0.00) (0.18)
Euro 0.8796 0.00 0.30
Japan _en 111.50 0.80 0.72
Mexico NP 9.47 0.02 0.21
UK Pound 0.6906 0.00 0.58

Foreign Indices Close Change % Change
Arg MerVal 421.01 3.91 0.94
Austr All Ord. 3,248.50 (3.70) (0.11)
Braz Bovespa 14906.02 -281.93 -1.8562742
Can TSE 300 9342.97 -238.95 -2.4937591
Germany DAX 6733.59 -48.93 -0.7214133
HK HangSeng 15329.6 -78.94 -0.5123133
Japan Nikkei 225 15114.64 98.94 0.66
Mexico IPC 5828.12 0.00 0.00
UK FTSE 100 6,390.40 20.1 0.3

Source: Yahoo!