Enron Mail

Subject:Texas puts reliability rules through paces
Date:Mon, 14 May 2001 09:39:00 -0700 (PDT)

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=09Updated: May 15, 2001
=09Texas puts reliability rules through paces
=09The Texas Public Utility Commission (PUC) recently approved new reliabi=
rules for the state's main power grid. The goal was to scrutinize rules=20
governing other deregulated markets to see how well they have worked and=
then find the best route for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas =20
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=09Authorities warn of other damaging invaders
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=09London Electricity=01,s bid for Seeboard rejected, reports say
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=09Avista names CEO Ely as chairman
=09go to full story...=20
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=09DPL to add 160 MW in Ohio by 2002
=09go to full story...
=09To view all of today's Executive News headlines,=20
=09click here=20
=09, Copyright , 2001 - FT Energy, All Rights Reserved. "FT" and "Financia=
Times" are trademarks of The Financial Times Ltd. =20
=09Market Brief
=09Monday, May 14
=09% Change
=09DJ 15 Util.
=09S&P 500
=09Market Vols
=09% Change
=09AMEX (000)
=09NASDAQ (000)
=09NYSE (000)
=09% Change
=09Crude Oil (Jun)
=09Heating Oil (Jun)
=09Nat. Gas (Henry)
=09Palo Verde (Jun)
=09COB (Jun)
=09PJM (Jun)
=09Dollar US $
=09% Change
=09Australia $=20
=09Canada $? =20
=09Germany Dmark=20
=09Japan _en=20
=09Mexico NP
=09UK Pound? =20
=09Foreign Indices
=09% Change
=09Arg MerVal
=09Austr All Ord.
=09Braz Bovespa
=09Can TSE 300=20
=09Germany DAX
=09HK HangSeng
=09Japan Nikkei 225=20
=09Mexico IPC=20
=09UK FTSE 100
=09Source:? Yahoo! & TradingDay.com
=09=09Advertise on Energy Insight=20

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