Enron Mail

To:m..tholt@enron.com, mike.grigsby@enron.com
Subject:FW: FERC Order on Reporting CA gas sales
Date:Thu, 26 Jul 2001 12:04:16 -0700 (PDT)


Do you want to work with regulatory to make sure we can comply?

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Alvarez, Ray =20
Sent:=09Thursday, July 26, 2001 1:41 PM
To:=09Allen, Phillip K.
Subject:=09FERC Order on Reporting CA gas sales

Phillip, thought this might be of interest. Ray

---------------------- Forwarded by Ray Alvarez/NA/Enron on 07/26/2001 02:3=
7 PM ---------------------------

Nancy Bagot
07/26/2001 09:51 AM
To:=09Julie.Armstrong@ENRON.com, Nancy.Bagot@ENRON.com, Martha.Benner@ENRON=
.com, Lynn.Blair@ENRON.com, Sharon.Brown@ENRON.com, Janet.Butler@ENRON.com,=
Deb.Cappiello@ENRON.com, Alma.Carrillo@ENRON.com, Janet.Cones@ENRON.com, B=
ill.Cordes@ENRON.com, Shelley.Corman@ENRON.com, Rick.Dietz@ENRON.com, Dari.=
Dornan@ENRON.com, John.Dushinske@ENRON.com, Drew.Fossum@ENRON.com, Ava.Garc=
ia@ENRON.com, John.Goodpasture@ENRON.com, Steven.Harris@ENRON.com, Joe.Hart=
soe@ENRON.com, Glen.Hass@ENRON.com, Rod.Hayslett@ENRON.com, Bambi.Heckerman=
@ENRON.com, Theresa.Hess@ENRON.com, Staci.Holtzman@ENRON.com, Stanley.Horto=
n@ENRON.com, Steve.Hotte@ENRON.com, Rita.Houser@ENRON.com, Steven.January@E=
NRON.com, Steven.J.Kean@ENRON.com, Robert.Kilmer@ENRON.com, Frazier.King@EN=
RON.com, Steve.Kirk@ENRON.com, Tim.Kissner@ENRON.com, Laura.Lantefield@ENRO=
N.com, Terry.Lehn@ENRON.com, Teb.Lokey@ENRON.com, Danny.McCarty@ENRON.com, =
Dorothy.McCoppin@ENRON.com, Mike.McGowan@ENRON.com, Kent.Miller@ENRON.com, =
MKMiller@ENRON.com, michael.p.moran@enron.com, Sheila.Nacey@ENRON.com, Ray.=
Neppl@ENRON.com, Dave.Neubauer@ENRON.com, Zelda.Paschal@ENRON.com, Maria.Pa=
vlou@ENRON.com, Keith.Petersen@ENRON.com, Janet.Place@ENRON.com, Tony.Pryor=
@ENRON.com, Lisa.Sawyer@ENRON.com, Donna.Scott@ENRON.com, Emily.Sellers@ENR=
ON.com, Sharon.Solon@ENRON.com, Cindy.Stark@ENRON.com, James.Studebaker@ENR=
ON.com, Gina.Taylor@ENRON.com, Stephen.Veatch@ENRON.com, Iris.Waser@ENRON.c=
om, Ricki.Winters@ENRON.com, rebecca.w.cantrell@enron.com, Eva Neufeld/Enro=
n@EnronXGate, Ruth Mann/Enron@EnronXGate, Gregory J. Porter/ENRON@enronXgat=
e, Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Ray Alvarez/NA/Enron@ENRON, Donna Fulton=
/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Karina Prizont/Enron@EnronXGate

Subject:=09FERC Order on Reporting CA gas sales

Attached is the Commission's "Order Imposing Reporting Requirement on Natur=
al Gas Sales to California Market," which was issued late yesterday.

In the order, the Commission finds that if does have the authority to reque=
st the information as set out in the May 18 order proposing the requirement=
s. =20

The information is to cover August 1, 2001 through Sept. 30, 2002 (the end =
date coincides with the end of the Commission's mitigation plan re: wholesa=
l prices in California and the West).
Specific info gas sellers and LDCs file concernign purchase and sales trans=
actions is exempt from FOIA disclosure
Also, respondents may request privileged treatment of "other portions of th=
eir responses subject to the.....Commission's regulations"
Some of the questions have been modified based on comments received based o=
n comments received on the May 18th proposal
Transaction by transaction data is required; FERC will aggregate the inform=
The information request will NOT be expanded beyond California
FERC is providing the reporting format as a data template to be available o=

The order is attached here, and the appendix listing specific questions is =
below. =20



Answers to all questions below that require a statement of volumes should s=
et forth the requested volumes on an MMBtu basis.

For Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines:

1.=09On a daily basis for the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, pl=
ease provide the following information for each contract for transportation=
to the California border:

a.=09the transaction or contract identification number;
b.=09the terms and effective date of the contract;
c.=09contract demand by shipper;
d.=09the daily scheduled volume by shipper;
e.=09the daily nominated volume by shipper;
f.=09the daily delivered volume by shipper;
g.=09whether the service is firm or interruptible;=20
h.=09the rate charged in $$/MMbtu;
i.=09primary receipt and delivery points associated with the contract; and,
j.=09whether the shipper is affiliated with the pipeline.

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the r=
esponse to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version=
97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

2.=09For the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, please provide the =
following information for each capacity release transaction for transportat=
ion to the California border:

a.=09the transaction or contract identification number, or offer number;=20
(This number should tie to contract number reported in Question 1,a., above=
b.=09the name of the releasing shipper;
c.=09the name of the acquiring shipper;
d.=09the contract quantity;
e.=09the acquiring shipper's contract rate; and,
f.=09the releasing shipper's contract rate.

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the r=
esponse to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version=
97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.
Docket No. RM01-9-000=09- 6 -

3.=09On a daily basis for the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, pl=
ease provide the following system information:

a.=09the maximum peak day design capacity;
b =09the daily maximum flowing capacity;
c =09the daily scheduled system volume;
d.=09the daily delivered system volume;
e.=09the daily scheduled volume at each California delivery point;
f.=09an explanation of each instance that the daily maximum flowing capacit=
y is below the maximum peak day design capacity; and,
g.=09an explanation of any daily variance in the maximum flowing capacity.

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the r=
esponse to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version=
97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

4.=09On a daily basis for May 1999 and May 2000, please provide the followi=
ng system information:

a.=09the maximum peak day design capacity;
b =09the daily maximum flowing capacity;
c =09the daily scheduled system volume;
d.=09the daily delivered system volume, and,
e.=09the daily scheduled volume at each California delivery point.

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the r=
esponse to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version=
97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

For Sellers of Natural Gas to the California Market:

1.=09State whether the seller is affiliated with an interstate or intrastat=
e natural gas pipeline company or local distribution company, and, if so, g=
ive the name and address the affiliated company.

2.=09 On a daily basis for the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, p=
lease provide the following information for each contract in which you sold=
natural gas and the gas is physically delivered at points on the Californi=
a border or in California:=20
a.=09the sales contract's identification number;
b.=09the term of the sales contract (beginning and ending dates);
c.=09the name of the buyer identifying whether the buyer is an energy marke=
ter, local distribution company, or end user;=20
d.=09the volumes sold (on a MMBtu basis);=20
e.=09the price paid by buyer, and
f.=09whether the price is fixed or indexed (identify the index).

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the r=
esponse to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version=
97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

3.=09For each sales contract, identify separately the transportation compon=
ent and the gas commodity component of the price. If the sales contract sp=
ecifies the transportation component of the price, the seller shall report =
that amount. If the sales contract only includes an overall price, then th=
e seller shall report the transportation cost it incurred in moving the gas=
from the point where it purchased the gas to the point where it sold the g=
as and how it determined that amount. If the sale was made at the same poi=
nt where the gas was purchased, and there is no transportation element in t=
he sale, the seller shall respond "n.a."

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the r=
esponse to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version=
97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

4.=09For the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, please provide the =
following information on a daily basis for each of your gas purchase contra=
cts associated with the sales contracts you identified in response to Quest=
ion 2:

a.=09the purchase contract's identification number;
b.=09the pipeline upstream of the point of delivery; and the pipeline downs=
tream of the point of delivery;
c.=09the term of the purchase contract (beginning and ending dates);=20
d.=09the daily volumes (on a MMBtu basis) purchased;
e.=09the price paid;=20
f. whether the price is fixed or indexed (identify the i=
g .=09identify the entity from whom the responder purchased the gas; and,
h.=09identify the point where responder took title to the gas.=20

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the r=
esponse to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version=
97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

For Local Distribution Companies In California:=09

1.=09Provide your system's gas sales and transportation requirements, (i.e,=
contract demands and daily demands) by core, non-core, electric generation=
, and non-utility loads. Provide a break down of these demands by type of =
service (e.g., sales and transportation) and quality of service(firm/interr=

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the r=
esponse to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version=
97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

2.=09On a daily basis for the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, pl=
ease provide the following information for each contract the local distribu=
tion company has with a transportation customer:

a.=09contract demand by shipper;
b.=09the daily scheduled volume by shipper;
c.=09the daily delivered volume by shipper;
d.=09whether the service is firm or interruptible;=20
e.=09the rate charged; and,
f.=09receipt and delivery points associated with the contract.

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the r=
esponse to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version=
97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

3.=09On a daily basis for the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, pl=
ease provide the following information for each contract the local distribu=
tion company has with a sales customer:=20

a.=09the contract demand by purchaser;
b.=09the term of the sales contract (beginning and ending dates);=20
c.=09the volumes (on a MMBtu basis) sold; and,
d.=09the price paid by purchaser.

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the r=
esponse to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version=
97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

4.=09On a daily basis for the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, pl=
ease provide the following information for each gas purchase contract:=20

a.=09the purchase contract's identification number;
b.=09the term of the purchase contract (beginning and ending dates);=20
c.=09the volumes (on a MMBtu basis) bought;
d.=09the price paid;=20
e.=09whether the price is fixed or indexed (identify the index); and,
f.=09identify the point where (name of local distribution company) took tit=
le to the gas.=20

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the r=
esponse to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version=
97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

5.=09On a daily basis for the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, pl=
ease provide by interstate pipeline the type and quantity of transportation=
service your system has under contract. At each receipt point, provide ma=
ximum peak day design capacity, the daily maximum flowing capacity, the dai=
ly nominated capacity and the daily scheduled volumes of the local distribu=
tion system.

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the r=
esponse to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version=
97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

6.=09On a daily basis for the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, pl=
ease provide on a system-wide basis your storage service rights i.e., capac=
ity and deliverability rights. Additionally, provide daily storage balance=
s, injections and withdrawls.

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the r=
esponse to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version=
97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

7.=09On a daily basis for the period August 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002, pl=
ease provide how much of your system's gas supply was from intrastate produ=
ction sources. Separately identify the sources, volumes, receipt points, a=
nd prices. Include the total system supply in your response.
Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the r=
esponse to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version=
97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

8.=09Provide a summary of your system's gas purchases in the following cate=

a.=09daily spot purchases;
c.=09short-term (more than 1 month and less than 1 year);
d.=09medium-term (1-3 years); and,
e.=09long-term ( more than 3 years).

by month for each of the last three years in the following format:

b.=09volume; and,
c.=09identify, by name, where these purchases were made (producing basin or=
at the California border).

Along with the hard copy response, please provide a CD-ROM containing the r=
esponse to this question. Please provide this information in Excel version=
97 or 2000 or comma separated value (CSV) format.

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