Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Bishops
Date:Wed, 10 Oct 2001 05:38:22 -0700 (PDT)


I went to the title company yesterday and as instructed by Irwin I signed t=
he deed of trust, the promissory note for 8.4, and the subordination agreem=
ent. Can the loan amount be adjusted based on new costs estimates. What w=
ill happen at closing? Is the major problem with the appraisal that since =
the land was only appraised at 1,120,000 we would be required to contribute=
an additional 180,000 in equity? If so, that is not good.

You mentioned that the we are firm on the construction numbers given to me =
previously. Can you send those numbers again so I can be positive I am not=
looking at old numbers. Also, I would really appreciate a schedule of tru=
e costs and expected loan.

Thank you,


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Greg Thorse <gthorse@keyad.com<@ENRON =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, October 09, 2001 1:45 PM
To:=09Allen, Phillip K.


I am trying to press Bank to get the Deed of Trust to you. I am in a balanc=
ing act between moving on the construction and holding until the lien is pe=
rfected. I talked to Cheerie and she said the person in Dallas is trying to=
get it done today, however, she may not finish it out today, which means i=
t will be sent for Thursday morning delivery to a sister Ticor office for s=
ignature and recording. Have they told you any of this? Or do I need to ma=
ke sure you know when, where, and how as soon as I know.

I talked to Andrew this morning the Dallas office received the Appraisal an=
d gave the information to us over the phone. The appraised value as built =
is 12.5 million, the NOI is $1,152,695. The problem is the Land Value is $=
1,120,000, as this is what they have recorded as the transaction cost in Ja=
nuary. Andrew talked to me about if we want to put additional costs on top=
of this showing improvements or other costs associated with the value to s=
how an increase in value?. I am tending to think we are going to reduce ou=
r overall loan by adjusting the Land, Title Policy Amount, Debt Carry Cost =
and some other small adjustments to costs. This would reduce our overall de=
bt and resultant equity requirement. The main difference in committing to a=
greater loan is that our costs of points will rise and our equity may be o=
ut of balance in the end, vs. if we borrow the exact amount, we may risk be=
ing short and needing a loan increase for any soft cost overages. I have be=
en working on this and I am reviewing the changes to see what overall effec=
ts each change will have on your equity and return.

We are firm on the construction numbers given to you previously and we have=
had a number of additional costs which we have been able to absorb in the =
overall construction budget. The biggest is the detention pond dredging wh=
ich has gone up in cost. The only area left to work through is the foundat=
ion/concrete number and I am confident we will hit that one on the mark. Th=
us, overall I am comfortable with the Hard Cost numbers at this point.

I am attempting to get with Irwin and Cheerie and seeing if we can get the =
final Doc's put together. Have'nt been able to get a meeting yet.

I just got interrupted in another meeting. Let me know if there are any qu=
estions today.