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Cc: wregan@caiso.com, rabernathy@caiso.com, gperez@caiso.com,
stenbroeck@caiso.com, dnelsen@caiso.com, 20participants@caiso.com, isoclientrelations@caiso.com, sgerber@caiso.com, emorgan@caiso.com, rklussmann@caiso.com, bbouillon@caiso.com, thuynh@caiso.com, jplumley@caiso.com Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Bcc: wregan@caiso.com, rabernathy@caiso.com, gperez@caiso.com, stenbroeck@caiso.com, dnelsen@caiso.com, 20participants@caiso.com, isoclientrelations@caiso.com, sgerber@caiso.com, emorgan@caiso.com, rklussmann@caiso.com, bbouillon@caiso.com, thuynh@caiso.com, jplumley@caiso.com X-From: CRCommunications <CRCommunications@caiso.com< X-To: SC Settlements Contacts <SCSettleContacts@caiso.com< X-cc: "Regan, William" <WRegan@caiso.com<, "Abernathy, Randy" <rabernathy@caiso.com<, "Perez, Glen" <GPerez@caiso.com<, "Ten Broeck, Sarah" <stenbroeck@caiso.com<, "Nelsen, Deanne" <DNelsen@caiso.com<, ISO Market Participants <IMCEAEX-_O=CAISO_OU=CORPORATE_CN=DISTRIBUTION+20LISTS_CN=ISO+20MARKET+20PARTICIPANTS@caiso.com<, ISO Client Relations <ISOClientRelations@caiso.com<, "Gerber, Spence" <SGerber@caiso.com<, "Morgan, Elizabeth" <EMorgan@caiso.com<, "Klussmann, Rhonda" <RKlussmann@caiso.com<, "Bouillon, Brad" <BBouillon@caiso.com<, "Huynh, Tri" <THuynh@caiso.com<, "Plumley, Jeanette" <JPlumley@caiso.com< X-bcc: X-Folder: \Robert_Badeer_Aug2000\Notes Folders\All documents X-Origin: Badeer-R X-FileName: rbadeer.nsf < SC Settlements Contacts; MARKET NOTICE This Market Notification is to advise you of a misallocation of UFE that has been identified in the SCE and Pasadena's UDC territories between the Trade dates of April 27, 2000 and June 27, 2000 . On April 26, 2000 the ISO made a change to the ISO Masterfile that eliminated the ability for SCs to submit a schedule at the intra-tie resource ID for the Pasadena UDC territory. This change in turn, prevented the meter data that was directly collected by the ISO at the intra-tie/load point to be used in the Settlement calculations. The effect of this change was that from Trade date April 27, 2000 until corrected for Trade date June 28, 2000 the UFE calculation was performed without the proper data representing the intra-tie point between the SCE and Pasadena UDC territories. This caused UFE to be more positive in the SCE UDC territory and more negative in the Pasadena UDC territory. The UFE calculation used the appropriate meter data, for Trade dates June 28, 2000 forward . The ISO is in process of determining the method to reallocate the UFE for the period between Trade dates April 27, 2000 and June 27, 2000. The magnitude of the misallocation is estimated at approximately $14.5 Million . Further notification to the Market will be made after the ISO determines the reallocation method and timeline . < ISO Project Manager < Kyle T. Hoffman, (916) 608-7057 < Client Relations, California ISO < Internet: KHoffman@caiso.com < FAX: (916) 608-7074 < < CRCommunications < Client Relations Communications <