Enron Mail

To:tswg@caiso.com, 20participants@caiso.com
Date:Tue, 29 Aug 2000 09:15:00 -0700 (PDT)

TSWG Meeting notes for 8/23/00

Scheduling Coordinators - Altra, SCE, CDWR, PGE, Riverside, Southern,
Midway, Dynegy, PX, Reliant, NCPA, & more.
ISO - Darren Lamb, Ginger Seitles, Greg Ford, Eddie Ledesma, Mark Rothleder,
CP Ng, Jim Blatchford.

Settlement Dispute System (SDS):

Not implemented yet.

Automated Dispatch System (ADS):

The ADS Query File Data Dictionary was released this week. ADS client 26 was
released 8/23. Features include Query data which now contain decimals
instead of integer values and system performance improvement by limiting
queries to 7 days worth of data at a time. A question was raised about what
time standard is used for instructions. Greg Ford responded it is PDT/PST.

RMR Scheduling:

No comments

10-Minute Settlement:

The API parser had corrections made. The Ex-Post price fix (looking for 6
values instead of 1) has been implemented and is working. Also the
supplemental energy import parsing order was corrected. The Beep_Gen_Full
template does successfully parse through the existing parser. Ginger Seitles
is working with SCE to correct the localized parser problem. The question
was raised if there may be only one record supporting two charge types. CP
responded that for CTs 401/407 there is, and can be, one record supporting
multiple charge types. A question was raised concerning instructions being
over lapped to the next day. Mark responded that there are no instructions
that are issued to last over a day. Mark also reminded everyone that
effective June 1st that the ISO stated using ramping energy versus block
energy for dispatches. He also reminded all that residual energy would be in
effect on September 1st. The PX asked if there were DC loss calculation
available for the market simulation information. CP stated that there was
and would forward it on to the PX. It is also planned to publish the
implementation schedule the week of 8/28.

InterSC Trades of Adjustment Bids:

The implementation target date for Inter-SC Trade Adjustment Bid has been
delayed until the first week of October 1, 2000. A new schedule has been
published. A training class has been tentatively scheduled for September
19th . Details to follow.

OASIS Redesign:

Darren Lamb explained that the project is progressing satisfactorily. He is
still anticipating a market testing in late October with full implementation
in mid-December. A concerned was raised about the amount of time, if any was
being allotted for overlapping of templates.

Dual Invoicing:

Everyone was reminded that the first preliminary invoices were coming out


A request was made (after the TSWG call) to change the time of the call to
1330 PDT to accommodate those in the Eastern Time zone. Comments are

Jim Blatchford
Client Relations