Enron Mail

Subject:CAISO Notice - Changes to CMR Stakeholder Meeting Schedule
Date:Thu, 27 Jul 2000 07:33:00 -0700 (PDT)

Market Participants:
This notice is to inform you that the ISO is canceling the
CMR stakeholder meetings that were scheduled for August 4 and August 8. We
are doing so in order to be responsive to Stakeholders' needs for greater
detail as articulated in the two most recent Stakeholder meetings on July 19
and 25.
As you know, after the July 13-14 introduction to the CME
Recommendation, we scheduled additional meetings (July 19th and 25th, August
4th and 8th) to discuss each element of the Recommendation in greater
detail. We have received many questions and requests for change on all parts
of the Recommendation during the past few weeks. As a result, we determined
that we needed more time for internal discussion in order to give you the
level of detail that would allow a more meaningful discussion of the
specific recommendations and potential modifications. This will allow us to
address both your questions and your suggested changes.
We have rescheduled these detailed discussions for three
consecutive days, August 15-17. In these meetings, we will address:
* FTRs;
* Day Ahead and Hour Ahead Congestion Management;
* Recallable Transmission;
* Real Time Operations;
* New Generator Interconnection Policy;
* Long Term Grid Planning; and
* Questions and issues on Local Reliability Service that arose from
the July 25 Stakeholder meeting.
We will also meet on August 25 to discuss the ISO's final
recommendation to the ISO Governing Board.
We apologize for any inconvenience this change has caused
you, but believe that taking time to develop more details on these topics
will allow more productive discussions.
Byron Woertz
Director, Client Relations