Enron Mail

Subject:CAISO Notice - Congestion Reform Proposal - Apendix B
Cc:eschmid@caiso.com, crobinson@caiso.com, kfluckiger@caiso.com,zlazic@caiso.com, rabernathy@caiso.com, pmackin@caiso.com, sgreenleaf@caiso.com, cmrcoreteam@caiso.com, cmrsteeringcommittee@caiso.com, jmiller@caiso.com, saatkins@swidlaw.com, rwilson@sta
Bcc:eschmid@caiso.com, crobinson@caiso.com, kfluckiger@caiso.com,zlazic@caiso.com, rabernathy@caiso.com, pmackin@caiso.com, sgreenleaf@caiso.com, cmrcoreteam@caiso.com, cmrsteeringcommittee@caiso.com, jmiller@caiso.com, saatkins@swidlaw.com, rwilson@sta
Date:Wed, 12 Jul 2000 02:26:00 -0700 (PDT)

Market Participants:

As part of the Congestion Management Reform Proposal, the
ISO has posted Appendix B "Locational Price Dispersion Study" on the ISO web
site at http://www.caiso.com/clientserv/congestionreform.html
<http://www.caiso.com/clientserv/congestionreform.html<; . Please be aware
that the file is very large (the Word version is 5.1 mb and the PDF version
is somewhat smaller at 4.3 mb) so it will take a while to download.

Byron Woertz
Director, Client Relations