Enron Mail

Subject:CAISO Notice - Extension for Response to CPUC Subpoena; Response to
Date:Tue, 25 Jul 2000 14:33:00 -0700 (PDT)

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Market Participants and Scheduling Coordinators:

The ISO has obtained an extension of time to comply with the
CPUC subpoena received by fax yesterday evening, and by hard copy this
morning. A copy of the subpoena will be posted on the web site tomorrow.
The ISO is required to respond by Friday July 28. The CPUC is considering
requests for confidential treatment. In accordance with the ISO tariff,
Market Participants should at their own discretion and cost take steps to
obtain confidential treatment for data and should inform the ISO so that the
ISO can comply with its responsibility to support their efforts.

Questions on this matter should be directed to Jeanne Sole
at (916) 608-7144.

The ISO did respond to the EOB subpoena today.

Jeanne M. Sol,
Regulatory Counsel
California ISO
(916) 608-7144

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