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Subject:DJ Calif Assembly Delays SDG&E Rate Roll-Back Vote To Thu
Date:Wed, 23 Aug 2000 06:55:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Carla Hoffman/PDX/ECT on 08/23/2000 02:02
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Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.

From: "Pergher, Gunther" <Gunther.Pergher@dowjones.com<
08/23/2000 12:26 PM

To: "Leopold, Jason" <Jason.Leopold@dowjones.com<
cc: (bcc: Carla Hoffman/PDX/ECT)
Subject: DJ Calif Assembly Delays SDG&E Rate Roll-Back Vote To Thu

18:43 GMT 23 August 2000
*DJ Calif Assembly Delays SDG&E Rate Roll-Back Vote To Thu

Question About Who Will Pay Elec Bills

NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--The California State Assembly has postponed until
a vote on restoring electricity rates for customers of San Diego Gas &
Electric Co. to
pre-deregulation levels, according to a spokesman for Assemblywoman Susan
(D-San Diego), who is sponsoring the bill.

The bill was sent to the assembly's appropriations committee because some
representatives are concerned about who - if not SDG&E customers - will pay
electricity in the city this summer and past spring. The difference between
what SDG&E
customers would pay under the legislation and what SDG&E is paying for
supplies in
the skyrocketing electricity markets has been estimated at $1.5 billion.

Assembly Passage Of Measure Uncertain

The legislation would roll back electricity rates to June 1, 1999, levels
for customers of
SDG&E, a unit of Sempra Energy (SRE). This spring and summer, the utility's
customers have received electricity bills that are nearly triple what they
were last year.

Electricity rates for the state's other utilities haven't been deregulated
yet, so their
customers are receiving fixed prices per kilowatt-hour of power used.

Prospects for passage of the bill, AB 2290, are unclear in the Assembly.
The California
State Senate passed the bill unanimously last week. But it would need 54
votes to pass
through the 80-member Assembly before Gov. Gray Davis could consider
signing it into

If all 47 Democrats approve the measure, it would need at least seven
Republican votes
to pass. But, as reported Tuesday, only three Republican lawmakers said
they would
support the bill.

The rollback would provide some economic relief to SDG&E's 1.1 million
who have been paying market-based rates for electricity since June. If the
rollback is
approved, utility bills for residential customers would be about $55 to $60
a month,
according to SDG&E.

Steve Maviglio, press secretary to Davis, said the governor hasn't decided
whether he
would sign the bill into law if approved.

Monday, the state's Public Utilities Commission rejected a proposal to roll
back rates,
instead approving a stabilization rate plan that would reduce the cost of
electricity to
about $68 a month for residential customers who conserve usage.

-By Mark Golden, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-4604;
Copyright &copy; 2000, Dow Jones & Company Inc

G_nther A. Pergher
Senior Analyst
Dow Jones & Company Inc.
Tel. 609.520.7067
Fax. 609.452.3531

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