Enron Mail

Subject:FW: notice to Scheduling Coordinators- Revised format
Date:Mon, 3 Jul 2000 07:57:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Badeer/HOU/ECT on 07/03/2000 03:00
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Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.

From: "Grant, Colleen" <CGrant@caiso.com<
07/03/2000 12:59 PM

To: ISO Market Participants
Subject: FW: notice to Scheduling Coordinators- Revised format

Scheduling Coordinators and Participating Transmission Owners:

The ISO has received a request for information from the Electricity
Oversight Board. Because of confidentiality provisions of the ISO tariff, we
are noticing, by way of this email, Scheduling Coordinators and
Participating Transmission Owners of the requirements. Please see the memo
below for details and information.

Don Fuller

Director, Client Relations


To: Scheduling Coordinators and Participating Transmission Owners

cc: Market Participants

From: CA ISO General Counsel Division

Date: July 3, 2000

Re: EOB information request


The CA ISO is in receipt of a request for information from the California
Electricity Oversight Board (EOB). The information requested is listed in
the attachment to this notice. Some of the information requested is subject
to confidential treatment by the ISO pursuant to section 20.3 of the tariff.

The CA ISO is in the process of determining and compiling it's response to
the request.

This notice is provided in accordance with section 20.3.4 of the ISO tariff
which states:

Notwithstanding anything in this Section 20.3 to the contrary, if
the ISO is required by applicable laws or regulations, or in the course of
administrative or judicial proceedings, to disclose information that is
otherwise required to be maintained in confidence pursuant to this Section
2.3, the ISO may disclose such information; provided, however, that as soon
as the ISO learns of the disclosure requirement and prior to making such
disclosure, the ISO shall notify any affected Market Participant of the
requirement and the terms thereof. The Market Participant may, at its sole
discretion and own cost, direct any challenge to or defense against the
disclosure requirement and the ISO shall cooperate with such affected Market
Participant to the maximum extent practicable to minimize the disclosure of
the information consistent with applicable law. The ISO shall cooperate with
the affected Market Participant to obtain proprietary or confidential
treatment of confidential information by the person to whom such information
is disclosed prior to such disclosure.

The ISO requests any Market Participant who intends to take action to
challenge or defend against the disclosure of information to notify the ISO
as soon as possible by contacting Jeanne M. Sol, at (916) 608-1744, email
<mailto:jsole@caiso.com< jsole@caiso.com. The ISO intends to release the
information no later than Monday, July 10.

Attachment: Data requested by the EOB:

For items 1-10, the specified information is requested for the following
trades dates: June 1, 2000 through current date; May 20, 2000 through May
24, 2000; and August 22 through August 28, 1999:

(1) Day Ahead Schedules by unit and take out point including
Ancillary Services.

(2) Hour Ahead Schedules by unit and take out point including
Ancillary Services.

(3) Ancillary Service bid adequacy data.

(4) Bids into the BEEP stack.

(5) Actual operation by unit - divided between instructed and
uninstructed generation.

(6) All out of market or out of sequence calls made by the CAISO
during these periods.

(7) RMR calls by hour and by unit and election chosen by owner to
either take contract path or market path, beginning in June 2000. Provide
data indicating whether the unit was already in the market at the
commencement of this period or whether the CAISO had to call the unit in
real time for operation (even if such call was made the previous day).

(8) A list of all units, transmission lines, transformers and other
system elements out on maintenance or forced out of service.

(9) Copies of the CAISO's " Morning Report."

(10) Stage 1 and Stage 2 Emergency Notices during this period.
Focusing on system conditions, causal factors, and data depicting actual
Operating Reserves during each such event on a ten-minute interval.

For the dates specified in requests 11-15, the following information
is requested:

(11) Control Performance Standards violations on June 13, 2000 with
an explanation of what caused these violations or the CAISO's interpretation
of what caused these violations.

(12) All records of communications regarding replacement reserve,
including any internal correspondences relating to alteration, if any, of
CAISO policy regarding quantity to procure beginning on May 1, 2000 through
June 16, 2000.

(13) All records of communications regarding or related to two
Emergency Operating Orders Relating to Uninstructed Deviations (issued June
14 and June 27), including specifics regarding the causes of these,
responses to the orders, and, more generally, the matter of uninstructed
deviations (or chasing the price).

(14) Provide detailed explanations of events that led to dropping
load in the San Francisco Bay Area on June 14.

(15) Provide detailed explanation of events that led up to invoking
CAISO operating procedure T-134 (Tracy transformer overload plus other
affected transformer banks) on June 15, especially focusing on how municipal
utilities responded and how settlements for such responses are expected to

(16) A table that cross references generators with their respective
Scheduling Coordinator.

(17) A table that lists generators and the firm that owns this

(18) A guide to unit/transactions that fall under the 'existing
contract' category.

(19) Copies of current Operating Procedures T-121, T-126, T-133.

Jeanne M. Sol,
Regulatory Counsel
California ISO
(916) 608-7144

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