Enron Mail

Subject:Meeting with CAISO re Desert Southwest
Cc:robert.badeer@enron.com, mary.hain@enron.com
Bcc:robert.badeer@enron.com, mary.hain@enron.com
Date:Mon, 12 Jun 2000 10:14:00 -0700 (PDT)

tom, attached is the agenda and the documents of principles used in our
discussions with the CAISO Last week. forward this to who you think might
need it and i'll be there this thursday to go over it and get more input from
you guys. thanx.

---------------------- Forwarded by Tom Delaney/Corp/Enron on 06/12/2000
03:09 PM ---------------------------

Carl Imparato <cfi1@tca-us.com< on 06/02/2000 12:41:02 PM
Please respond to cfi1@tca-us.com
To: lebarrett@duke-energy.com, sslavigne@duke-energy.com, dcn@netwrx.net,
tfitchitt@newenergy.com, cmiessner@newenergy.com, zalaywan@caiso.com,
eschmid@caiso.com, crobinson@caiso.com, cdeise@apsc.com,
tdelawder@tucsonelectric.com, ebeck@tucsonelectric.com, dbrown1@pnm.com,
gmiller@pnm.com, bob_anderson@apses.com, barbara_klemstine@apses.com,
rllamkin@seiworldwide.com, steve.huhman@southernenergy.com,
tom_delaney@enron.com, marcie_milner@enron.com, smara@enron.com,
scott.miller@gen.pge.com, rreilley@coral-energy.com, lcampbell@csllp.com,
locb@rt66.com, john_r_orr@reliantenergy.com, kewh@dynegy.com,
jmpa@dynegy.com, mbochotorena@calpx.com
cc: gackerman@wptf.org, jdavis@apx.com, jim_kritikson@calpx.com,
dmberry@calpx.com, frank.derosa@gen.pge.com, jim.filippi@gen.pge.com,

Subject: Meeting with CAISO re Desert Southwest

Attached are three documents that will be discussed at Monday's meeting:

- agenda-060500.rtf: a proposed agenda for the meeting

- iso-rqmts3.rtf: the current draft of the framework for consideration
of the CAISO as the preferred RTO for the Desert Southwest

- Additional Issues for Discussion.rtf: a list of additional items that
various parties would like discuss to ensure that we all fully
understand the present CAISO model.

The meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 5, from 10 - 3, and will take
place at Enron's office in Phoenix, located at 4742 N. 24th Street,
Suite 165.

If any of the addressees have not yet RSVP'd, I would appreciate your
informing Marcie Milner of Enron (602-840-3800) as soon as possible so
we can make adequate arrangements.

Thank you,

Carl Imparato

- Agenda-060500.rtf
- Additional Issues for Discussion.rtf
- iso-rqmts3.rtf