Enron Mail

Subject:CAISO NOTICE: CMR Stakeholder Meetings August 16-18
Date:Tue, 1 Aug 2000 09:24:00 -0700 (PDT)

Market Participants:
As announced previously, the ISO will hold Congestion
Management Reform Stakeholder Meetings on August 16-18.
All meetings will take place at the CAISO Headquarters, 101
Blue Ravine Road, Folsom.
For those of you who will not be attending, the call-in
information is as follows:
Wednesday, August 16th
Number: (877)381-6004
Passcode: 668666
Leader Name: Byron Woertz

Thursday, August 17th
Number: (877)381-6004
Passcode: 817904
Leader Name: Byron Woertz

Friday, August 18th
Number: (877)381-6004
Passcode: 668236
Leader Name: Byron Woertz
In these meetings, we will address:
* FTRs;
* Day Ahead and Hour Ahead Congestion Management;
* Recallable Transmission;
* Real Time Operations;
* New Generator Interconnection Policy;
* Long Term Grid Planning; and
* Questions and issues on Local Reliability Service that arose from
the July 25 Stakeholder meeting.
We will send a more specific Agenda as soon as it is
available. Each day will start with a Continental Breakfast at 8:30a.m.,
and the meetings will start at 9:00 a.m. We will be serving lunch at
approximately 12Noon. In order to make sure we order enough food, have
adequate seating, and computers for entering feedback, we request that you
RSVP no later than Monday, August 7th to cgrant@caiso.com.
We will also meet on August 25 to discuss the ISO's final
recommendation to the ISO Governing Board. Details of this meeting will be
sent to you as we get closer to the meeting date.
Byron Woertz
Director, Client Relations