Enron Mail

Subject:CAISO Notice - Staqkeholder Feedback on Congestion Reform Proposa l
Cc:cmrcoreteam@caiso.com, cmrexecutivepolicyteam@caiso.com,cmrsteeringcommittee@caiso.com
Bcc:cmrcoreteam@caiso.com, cmrexecutivepolicyteam@caiso.com,cmrsteeringcommittee@caiso.com
Date:Fri, 14 Jul 2000 09:15:00 -0700 (PDT)

Market Participants:

The California ISO values Stakeholders' comments on the
Congestion Management Reform (CMR) proposal released on July 11, 2000. Both
your positive and negative responses are essential to guide us in refining
the CMR recommendation. We have prepared the attached template for you to
use in submitting your comments. Receiving your comments in this format
will enable us to understand and respond to your input efficiently. We will
also post this template at
<http://www.caiso.com/clientserv/congestionreform.html<; under the heading
"Congestion Management Reform Recommendation - DRAFT."
In the first section, we ask that you respond to the
following two questions (summary answers, bulleted lists, etc. are fine):
1. Which fundamental market design features and principles identified
in the proposal should be kept? Why?
2. Which fundamental market design features and principles identified
in the proposal should be removed? Why?
In the second section, please provide detailed comments on
specific sections of the proposal using the template provided. We have
structured the template to facilitate your detailed comments on Sections 4,
7, 8, 9 and 10 and Appendices A and B, since these are the sections that
contain the main features of the proposal. The template also includes a
space for general comments on sections 1, 2, 3, 5 and 11. Since Section 6
is an overview of the proposal, we have not included a comment section in
the template for that section. We ask that comments include:
* Which main features you think should be retained and why;
* Which main features you think should be removed or modified. Please
be specific on why, and how you would modify that feature to address the
problem you have identified; and
* Which features and details you think are missing and should be
added, why, and how you suggest adding that feature.
All three parts-what, why and how you recommend changing the
proposal-are necessary for us to respond to your comments.
We would like to emphasize our need to receive your comments
on features of the proposal that you like. Reviews can tend to focus on
features with which reviewers are dissatisfied. Without hearing support for
features that stakeholders like, it is possible that some broadly supported
features could be changed or eliminated, based on others' stated
Please submit your initial comments by 5:00 p.m. PDT on
Friday, July 28. There will be other opportunities for feedback, but we
would like to include a summary of Stakeholders' initial comments in our
discussion with the ISO Governing Board on August 1. Please send your
comments, using the attached template, via e-mail to bwoertz@caiso.com
<mailto:bwoertz@caiso.com< and use the phrase "CMR Proposal - Stakeholder
Comments" in the Subject line. We plan to treat your comments as public and
to include a summary of Stakeholders' comments with the materials that will
go to the ISO Governing Board and/or to FERC.
The California ISO greatly appreciates the time, effort and
expertise Stakeholders have contributed to the CMR process. We look forward
to receiving your valuable comments to allow us to further refine and
improve this proposal.
<<000714 Stakeholder Feedback Template.doc<<

Byron Woertz
Director, Client Relations

- 000714 Stakeholder Feedback Template.doc