Enron Mail

Subject:CAISO ADS Notification: ADS II Kickoff (Automated Dispatching Sy
Date:Thu, 17 Aug 2000 01:41:00 -0700 (PDT)

Cc: cgrant@caiso.com, jcole@caiso.com, 20participants@caiso.com, gford@caiso.com,
kkelley@caiso.com, isoclientrelations@caiso.com
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Bcc: cgrant@caiso.com, jcole@caiso.com, 20participants@caiso.com, gford@caiso.com,
kkelley@caiso.com, isoclientrelations@caiso.com
X-From: "Hoffman, Kyle" <KHoffman@caiso.com<
X-To: ADS-Project II <ADSProject@caiso.com<
X-cc: "Grant, Colleen" <CGrant@caiso.com<, "Cole, Jessica" <JCole@caiso.com<, ISO Market Participants <IMCEAEX-_O=CAISO_OU=CORPORATE_CN=DISTRIBUTION+20LISTS_CN=ISO+20MARKET+20PARTICIPANTS@caiso.com<, "Ford, Greg" <GFord@caiso.com<, "Kelley, Kristen" <KKelley@caiso.com<, ISO Client Relations <ISOClientRelations@caiso.com<
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ISO Automated Dispatching System (ADS) Project Distribution List:

The ISO will host an "Automated Dispatching System Phase II" project kickoff
and informational working session on Thursday, August 24, 2000, from 9 AM
through Noon, at the Lake Natoma Inn, Folsom. A Continental Breakfast will
be served.

Please RSVP to Colleen Grant, ISO Client Relations at 916-608- 7069 or
e-mail Cgrant@caiso.com .

Each Market Participant should send its designated principle contact or
liaison for this California ISO ADS Phase II project session. As an
alternative, we will have a conference bridge open, number to follow.

The ISO ADS Project Phase II Management Team of Kristine Kelley and Greg
Ford will be introduced at this kickoff session. We will also review the
ADS project history and progress to date, review business requirements and
functionality improvements for the next release of ADS, conduct a Q & A
session, and receive Market Participant feedback on the project.

A preliminary project scope and detailed agenda will follow, by August 18.

Attached, for your information, are the slides from the ADS Phase II
presentation given at the August 9 MIF meeting.

<<ADS MIF 0809.ppt<<
Thank you for your continued participation in the development of electronic
dispatch for the California ISO. Implementation of the next version of ADS
is imperative to help assure efficient, accurate dispatch of Real Time
energy, and the associated notification, logging and energy settlement.

Greg Ford
California ISO
Market Operations
(916) 351-2344

Kyle T. Hoffman, (916) 608-7057
Client Relations, California ISO
Internet: Khoffman@caiso.com
Fax: (916) 608-7074

- ADS MIF 0809.ppt