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Cc: wregan@caiso.com, rabernathy@caiso.com, gperez@caiso.com,
stenbroeck@caiso.com, dnelsen@caiso.com, 20participants@caiso.com, isoclientrelations@caiso.com, sgerber@caiso.com, emorgan@caiso.com, rklussmann@caiso.com, bbouillon@caiso.com, thuynh@caiso.com Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Bcc: wregan@caiso.com, rabernathy@caiso.com, gperez@caiso.com, stenbroeck@caiso.com, dnelsen@caiso.com, 20participants@caiso.com, isoclientrelations@caiso.com, sgerber@caiso.com, emorgan@caiso.com, rklussmann@caiso.com, bbouillon@caiso.com, thuynh@caiso.com X-From: CRCommunications <CRCommunications@caiso.com< X-To: SC Settlements Contacts <SCSettleContacts@caiso.com< X-cc: "Regan, William" <WRegan@caiso.com<, "Abernathy, Randy" <rabernathy@caiso.com<, "Perez, Glen" <GPerez@caiso.com<, "Ten Broeck, Sarah" <stenbroeck@caiso.com<, "Nelsen, Deanne" <DNelsen@caiso.com<, ISO Market Participants <IMCEAEX-_O=CAISO_OU=CORPORATE_CN=DISTRIBUTION+20LISTS_CN=ISO+20MARKET+20PARTICIPANTS@caiso.com<, ISO Client Relations <ISOClientRelations@caiso.com<, "Gerber, Spence" <SGerber@caiso.com<, "Morgan, Elizabeth" <EMorgan@caiso.com<, "Klussmann, Rhonda" <RKlussmann@caiso.com<, "Bouillon, Brad" <BBouillon@caiso.com<, "Huynh, Tri" <THuynh@caiso.com< X-bcc: X-Folder: \Robert_Badeer_Aug2000\Notes Folders\Discussion threads X-Origin: Badeer-R X-FileName: rbadeer.nsf < SC Settlements Contacts; < This Market Notification serves to advise you of the posting of the Retro-Active November 16th - 30th 1999 UFE Market Adjustments resulting from the ISO 1999 UFE Project results. The June 20, 2000 Preliminary Settlement Statement (PSS) contains the appropriate retro-active charge type adjustments, specific to each participating SC. This is the Seventh of Nine retro-active UFE adjustment to be processed, to correct the UFE related settlement quality meter data (SQMD) problems experienced commencing August 21st 1999 in the PG&E UDC Service Area, which continued through December 31, 1999. A copy of this ISO Project's final Report was previously distributed on June 15, 2000. The UFE related market adjustments are reflected in Charge Types (CT) 111,112,114,115,116,402,403, 406, 1010,1011, 1030,1210. GMC (CT 351) will also be reconciled for those SC's which reported revised load, consistent with any resubmitted UFE Project meter data. The ISO will continue to monitor system UFE on a regular basis, conduct periodic meter data audits, work with Market participants to help assure SQMD, and address any issues which arise. Once again, our appreciation for the Market's assistance to help assure an accurate UFE Market settlement and for submission of SQMD! < ISO Project Manager < Kyle T. Hoffman, (916) 608-7057 < Client Relations, California ISO < Internet: KHoffman@caiso.com < FAX: (916) 608-7074 < < CRCommunications < Client Relations Communications <