Enron Mail

Subject:CAISO NOTIFICATION: Request For Comments Regarding Adjustable Int
Date:Thu, 10 Aug 2000 02:26:00 -0700 (PDT)

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X-From: Robert Badeer
X-To: Jeff Richter
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---------------------- Forwarded by Robert Badeer/HOU/ECT on 08/10/2000 09:29
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Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.

From: CRCommunications <CRCommunications@caiso.com<
08/09/2000 12:19 PM

To: ISO Market Participants
cc: TSWG <TSWG@caiso.com<
Subject: CAISO NOTIFICATION: Request For Comments Regarding Adjustable Int
er-SC trades.

< As a result of the delay to 10 minute settlements, members of the SC's
< technical development staff via TSWG have expressed strong concern about
< the short time between the scheduled release of 10 minute settlements and
< adjustable inter-SC trades functionality. Adjustable inter-SC trades are
< currently scheduled for September 11 release. The adjustable inter-SC
< trade functionality was identified by Market Participants as a very
< important functionality that should be released ASAP. Prior to the ISO
< making any final decisiions on propsoed schedule changes rollout of the
< adjustable inter-SC trade functionality, the ISO is seeking additional
< feedback from both the business and technical sides of the Market
< Participants. Please provide your recommendation and any impact a
< change of scheduled rollout of 2-3 weeks for adjustable inter-SC trades
< would have on your business and systems to Jim Blatchford by Friday,
< August 11.
< Mark Rothleder
< Manager of Market Operations