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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: "Leonard, Alice" <ALeonard@caiso.com< X-To: Market Participants <IMCEAEX-_O=CAISO_OU=CORPORATE_CN=DISTRIBUTION+20LISTS_CN=MARKETPARTICIPANTS@caiso.com<, Barbara Barkovich <brbarkovich@earthlink.net<, Barney Speckman <Bmspeckman@aol.com<, Carolyn Baker <cabaker@duke-energy.com<, Craig Jones <cjones@swc.org<, Gary Ackerman <foothi19@idt.net<, John Burnett <jburne@ladwp.com<, Kelvin Yip <kfyip@seiworldwide.com<, Michael McCreery <mccreem@sce.com<, Michele Wynne <mwynne@uoc.com<, Paul Scheuerman <pgs@ieee.org<, Randy Hickok <rjhickok@duke-energy.com<, Rodney Luck <rluck@dwp.ci.la.ca.us<, SCE Market Participants <SCE2@caiso.com<, Tony Braun <braun@braunlegal.com< X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Robert_Badeer_Aug2000\Notes Folders\Discussion threads X-Origin: Badeer-R X-FileName: rbadeer.nsf < Market Participants, < < The Cal-ISO has begun preparations for performing the technical study to < determine RMR MW requirements for the ISO-controlled grid in years < 2002-2004. The results of this Study will be used in the Multi-year LARS < 2002-2004 RMR process tentatively scheduled for the 1st quarter of 2001. < Some preliminary work has been done to formulate a draft Study Plan and to < develop Base Cases to perform the 2002-2004 RMR Technical Study. The draft < Study Plan and Base Cases have been posted on the ISO web site: < http://www.caiso.com/docs/2000/04/28/2000042807462411493.html < < In addition, the Cal-ISO has developed a draft Study Plan and are < developing Base Cases to perform this year's Integrated Transmission < Expansion Plan that will supplement the PTOs annual Transmission Expansion < Plans. The draft Study Plan will be posted by 6/1/00, and the Base Cases < will be posted by 6/7/00 on the ISO Web site : < http://www.caiso.com/docs/2000/02/28/2000022816395812019.html < < A joint RMR and Expansion Plan Study "kick-off" Stakeholder meeting will < be held on Monday June 12, 2000, between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., in < Conference Room 101A-Rooms 1a & 1b at Cal-ISO Headquarters on 101A Blue < Ravine Road in Folsom to discuss these preliminary Study work products. < THE FOCUS OF THIS MEETING WILL BE ON TECHNICAL STUDY ISSUES - NOT ON < POLICY. The meeting agenda is attached. < < Please RSVP by Wednesday June 7, 2000, including the number of attendees < from your organization, to Kristine Hargrave of the Cal-ISO at (916) < 351-4470 or khargrave@caiso.com. < < If you have questions regarding the meeting arrangements, please contact < Kristine. If you have questions regarding the Study efforts, please < contact Steve Mavis at 916-351-2112 or smavis@caiso.com. < < <<Joint RMR and Expansion Plan Study agenda jun12.pdf<< < Don Fuller Director, Client Relations Sent on behalf of Don Fuller by Alice Leonard Alice Leonard Client Relations (916) 351-4467 aleonard@caiso.com - Joint RMR and Expansion Plan Study agenda jun12.pdf