Enron Mail

To:kevin.mcgowan@enron.com, robert.badeer@enron.com
Subject:Enron Air Consultants
Date:Tue, 15 Aug 2000 05:37:00 -0700 (PDT)


Here is a quick rundown on the consultants that Sam Wehn and his team have
been using in their efforts to obtain ERCs in the CA market. If you have
questions, or would like to see their resumes/bios let me know.

Joan Heredia, Woodward-Clyde Consultants
805-964-6010 x127
Joan is a project engineer in the field of Air Quality Mangement. She has
previously worked for the County of Santa Barbara Air Pollution Control
District from 1985-1990. In her current position, she provides regulatory
compliance expertise with an emphasis in the areas of air quality and
hazardous waste management. Joan has various regulatory agency interaction
with California's Air Quality Districts and the EPA. Her experience includes:
Prepared air permit applications at 3 bulk gasoline distribution terminals.
Public meeting participation and response to public inquiries concerning air
pollution control policies and procedures.
Air dispersion modeling and health risk assssment for contaminated soil
remediation projects.
Air emission control device efficiency analysis.
Emissions evaluation for boilers, flares, internal combustion engines,
Served as the lead coordinator for a consortium of power generation companies
(AES, Enron, US Gen, Reliant and Calpine) in developing comments on the South
Coast Air Quality Management District Turbine BACT guidelines.
Project manager for all environmental permitting associated with the
development of a 500 MW merchant power plant in AZ.
Project manager for a 500 MW gas-fired turbine merchant power plant.
Prepared emission scenarios to facilitate operational flexibility and managed
the air quality impact assessment. Prepared NSR/PSD permit application for
submittal to the Bay Area Air District. Participated in public hearings and
served as expert witness for CEC testimony. Participated in numerous
negotation meetings with the EPA, CARB, and Bay Area Air Quality Mangement
District for the development permit condition language.
Joan is a member of the Air and Waste Management Association. She has a B.S.
in Chemical Engineering from University of California, Santa Barbara and an
M.S. in Environmental Engineering from California Polytechnic State

Mike Hadari, self-employed consultant
cell: 310-710-9299
Mike worked with John Palmisano (former Enron employee), Josh Margolis
(Cantor-Fitzgerald Brokerage Services) on several trading-related air
programs. Mike is currently assisting EES on some GHG issues. He has a
heavy technical background (Combustion Energy Engineer) that has focused on
high efficiency combustion and energy-related projects. Mike worked at the
San Jouaquin Air District for 2 years, and has worked at other consulting
firms before starting his own consulting operation. Mike was one of 20
people who worked on the development of the RECLAIM program in the SCAQMD.
He has a broad range of expertise that includes technical, regulatory and
trading experience. He has negotiated with a number of air districts. He is
currently devoting about 95 % of his time today to Enron (EES and ENA). He
is also involved in reporting functions for the CA ERC and RECLAIM programs.

Barry Ogilby, Attorney, McCutchen, Doyle, Brown & Enersen
Barry is in McCutchen's environmental, litigation and energy law practice
groups. He has been involved with environmental compliance, litigation and
regulatory matters at the federal and state levels for than 25 years.

He was in house counsel for Exxon for 15 years, While at Exxon, he provided
commercial litigation support to Exxon's marketing, refining, pipeline
transportation, and oil and gas production operations. He was appointed by
the Governor of CA to serve on the State's Oil Spill Technical Advisory

He represents clients on a national basis on matters related to marine
transportation, the Clean Air Act (inlcuding project development and
compliance), and the Clean Water Act. He has extensive experience in federal
and state compliance actions related to air and water laws and new permitting
requirements. He often represents clients before federal and state
regulatory agencies regarding alleged violations of environmental laws and in
support of client efforts to obtain necessary environmental and land-use
permits for new projects.

Barry is a member of the ABA, and has served as an adjunct law professor in
environmental and land-use law. He received his J.D. from the University of
Memphis and his B.S. Degree in engineering/geology from the University of
KY. He is admitted to practice in CA, TX, TN and KY.

McCutchen's Environmental and Land Use Group consists of 70 lawyers in four
offices. They represent landowners and developers, basic and high technology
manufacturing companies, transportation companies, trade associations and
governmental entities. Members of McCutchen's Environmental Group who
specialize in Air Quality have experience in: New Source Review:
Non-attainment and PSD ; State Air Permits ; Title V Operating Permits ; New
Source Performance Standards ; Stationary Controls ; RECLAIM ; Reporting
Obligations ; and Emissions Banking among other things.

Kurt Marquald and Peter Okurowski, California Environmental Associates
Kirk is the Founder and Principal of CEA. He has worked on CA energy and
environmental regulatory issues for over 18 years. He has led large-scale
regulatory reform and strategic planning projects for major manufacturing and
transportation companies as well as trade associations and law firms. Prior
to establishing CEA, Kirk served as teh Under Secretary of CA Natural
Resources Agency as Director of the Office of Appropriate Technology. He
managed budget and policy initiatives at the Agency's 9 departments. He has
resolved policy conflicts between departments, cabinet officers, legislators,
companies, and private citizens. He has also worked as a consultant to the
Environmental Defense Fund on issues related to energy, water and hazardous
materials. Kirk has a M.S. in Natural Resources Policy and Mangement from
teh University of MI and a B.A. from Trinity College.

Peter is a Senior Associate at CEA with broad experience in technical,
political, and legal analysis on air pollution issues. He works with clients
to strategically manage their position in ongoing federal, state and local
rulemaking activities. He analyzes data and policy proposals to help clients
develop the appropriate level of regulatory action. Prior to joining CEA, he
worked for four years at the U.S. EPA office of Mobile Sources in Ann Arbor,
MI. He developed regulatory text and helped to form public policy for EPA's
economic incentive programs and emissions trading programs. Peter holds a
J.D. from Indiana University and a B.A. in Economics from the University of

Overall, CEA has assisted clients on numerous environental issues. CEA
Actions in the air emissions credit trading arena include:
assisting the client in managing permit and emission reduction credit issues
at a facility slated for closure;
performing analysis of possible excess credit streams under various business
intervening with the SCAQMD to resolve issues adversely impacting a client's
emission credit allocations;
educating the client as to possible trading and brokerage strategies; and
assisting the client in the auction of credits.