Enron Mail

Subject:Summer 2000 Market Participating Load Trial Program Re-Opener
Date:Thu, 8 Jun 2000 04:41:00 -0700 (PDT)

< Market Participants:
< This notice announces the "re-opening" of the Summer
< 2000 Market Participating Load Trial Program. Note that this program has
< also been referred to as the Summer 2000 A/S Load Program. It involves
< load participation in the Non-Spin and Replacement Reserve and also the
< Supplemental Energy markets. This re-opening notice does not apply to the
< Summer 2000 Demand Relief Program.
< On February 29, 2000, the ISO issued a Market Notice
< for the "Summer 2000 Market Participating Load Trial Program" soliciting
< participation in the ISO's Ancillary Services and Supplemental Energy
< markets by additional Participating Loads. The ISO proposed to
< accommodate such participation from June 15 to October 15, 2000 by Loads
< that could provide telemetry of their Demand data to the ISO's Energy
< Management System pursuant to a "relaxed" Technical Standard. The ISO
< indicated that it would accept proposals for up to the following amounts
< of capacity for bidding in the specified markets:
< Non-Spinning Reserve: 400 MW
< Replacement Reserve: 400 MW
< Supplemental Energy: 1,000 MW
< In response to that solicitation, the ISO received
< several proposals and has been working to implement participation by the
< respondents. In the course of the implementation process, the ISO has
< determined that the actual amounts of capacity that will potentially be
< available to participate will be below the maximum for any of the listed
< services. Approximately half of the 400 MW in Non-Spin and Replacement
< has been committed (some subject to CPUC approval) leaving approximately
< 200 MW available in each category. Approximately 750 MW is still
< available in the Supplemental Energy category.
< Therefore, the ISO wishes to announce a re-opening
< of the period for submittal of proposals for the "Summer 2000 Market
< Participating Load Trial Program" The ISO seeks to obtain the total
< amount of participation requested for the trial program within the time
< available. At this time the ISO plans to leave this solicitation open
< until the maximum capacities are reached as noted above. Also it should
< be noted that while the solicitation will be open until the requested
< capacities are reached, the current timeframe of the Summer 2000 Trial
< Program and the applicability of the "relaxed" Technical Standards runs
< only through October 15, 2000. At this time the ISO expects to continue
< this Load Program beyond October 15, 2000, however a final decision on
< continuation and the exact technical and commercial details applicable to
< any such continuation will be reached late this year based on a review of
< the Summer 2000 Program experience.
< Additional respondents should follow the process and
< requirements set forth in the February 29, 2000 Market Notice in all
< respects other than the date for delivery of proposals. This can be
< located on the ISO Home Page at http://www.caiso.com/clientserv/load/ .
< or by navigating from Client Services to Stakeholder Processes to
< Participating Loads. There are 4 documents listed under the Feb 29
< posting entitled " Formal Invitation for the Summer 2000 Load
< Participation in the ISO Ancillary Service and Supplemental Energy
< Markets. "
< If you have any questions, please direct them to
< Mike Dozier at 916-608-5708.
< Don Fuller
Director, Client Relations