Enron Mail

To:marketstatus@caiso.com, pxrt@calpx.com
Subject:Total Transfer Capabilities
Cc:cpryor@caiso.com, rmrsecur@warmr.net, wsccnwsc@bpa.gov
Bcc:cpryor@caiso.com, rmrsecur@warmr.net, wsccnwsc@bpa.gov
Date:Fri, 25 Aug 2000 08:59:00 -0700 (PDT)

Attached are the Total Transfer Capabilities (TTC's) for August 27th, 28th,
and 29th.

<<TTC 8-27-00.PDF<< <<TTC 8-28-00.PDF<< <<TTC 8-29-00.PDF<<

The attached Outage information is reliable at time of posting. The
attached Outage information is subject to change without notice.
Myrna Neeley
Administrative Assistant
Outage Coordination & Transmission Maintenance
California Independent System Operator
Voice: 916-351-2171
Fax: 916-351-2367
E-mail mneeley@caiso.com

- TTC 8-27-00.PDF
- TTC 8-28-00.PDF
- TTC 8-29-00.PDF