Enron Mail

To:susan.bailey@enron.com, stephanie.panus@enron.com, marie.heard@enron.com
Subject:FW: Mirant Canada's purchase of TransCanada Pipelines trading
Date:Tue, 27 Nov 2001 08:04:47 -0800 (PST)

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Good Morning,
Samantha asked me to check her email for items that appear to need resoluti=
on and send them to the ladies of the SWAP group. If I may be of any assis=
tance, please don't hesitate to contact me at 53317. I am not sure if this=
item needs immediate attention or not. Thank you!

Samantha M. Boyd
Senior Legal Specialist
Enron Wholesale Services
1400 Smith Street, EB3803
Houston, Texas 77002
Ph: (713) 853-9188
Fax: (713) 646-3490

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Otto, Randy =20
Sent:=09Thursday, November 22, 2001 1:03 PM
To:=09Boyd, Samantha; Rohauer, Tanya
Cc:=09Espinoza, Veronica; Williams, Jason R (Credit); Johnston, Greg
Subject:=09Mirant Canada's purchase of TransCanada Pipelines trading busine=

On October 11, Mirant Canada Energy Marketing Ltd. purchased a substantial =
portion of TransCanada Pipeline's trading and marketing business. As a resu=
lt, Mirant will be purchasing the entire business of TransCanada Energy Fin=
ancial Products Limited, and will be taking assignment of the physical gas =
transactions/contracts of TransCanada Gas Services Inc. and TransCanada Gas=
Services, a division of TransCanada Energy Ltd.

As a result of this transaction, TransCanada Pipelines Ltd. will be termina=
ting whatever credit support they provided for these entities and that cred=
it support will be picked up by Mirant Corp, depending on the arrangements =
that we have negotiated. With respect to TransCanada Energy Financial Produ=
cts Limited, it was agreed that the ISDA that is currently between Enron Ca=
nada Corp. and TransCanada Energy Financial Products Limited will be assign=
ed to Mirant Canada Energy Marketing Ltd under the same credit terms as cur=
rently exist. Mirant Corp will issue a $30 million USD guaranty to provide=
the credit support for this document, the same dollar amount that TransCan=
ada Pipelines Ltd was providing. They have also agreed to provide whatever=
necessary collateral to cover their exposure, over the threshold, as a res=
ult of their purchasing this entity.

With respect to TransCanada Gas Services Inc., the only outstanding gas tra=
nsactions are with Enron North America and these all relate to physical pro=
duct. There is no contract between TransCanada Gas Services Inc. and Enron =
North America, but TCPL is currently providing a guaranty for this business=
. This guaranty will be terminated, and these transactions will be covered =
under a current Mirant Corp guaranty covering Mirant Canada Energy Marketin=
g Ltd. for physical gas transactions with Enron North America. This current=
guaranty is for USD $10 million and is of a sufficient amount to cover the=
current exposure as well as the exposure being brought over from TransCana=
da Gas Services Inc..

Finally, with respect to TransCanada Gas Services, a division of TransCanad=
a Energy Ltd, there is currently a physical gas master with Enron Canada Co=
rp. However, this was executed in 1993 and is outdated with respect to cred=
it provisions. I have been working with the credit contact at Mirant Canada=
to get a new physical master between ECC and Mirant Canada Energy Marketin=
g Ltd. This new master would govern all existing trades between ECC and Mir=
ant Canada, as well as those coming over from TransCanada Gas Services, a d=
ivision of TransCanada Energy Ltd. However, in the interim, the TransCanada=
trades would still be covered by the existing master. TransCanada Pipeline=
s will terminate their guaranty of this entity with respect to these transa=
ctions. Alternatively, Mirant Corp has agreed to amend their existing guar=
anty covering physical gas transactions between Mirant Canada Energy Market=
ing Ltd. and Enron Canada Corp by increasing the coverage from USD $30 mill=
ion to USD $50 million. This entity also has some exposure with Enron North=
America, which will also be covered under the existing Mirant Corp. guaran=
ty for USD $10 million.

A contract between ENA and Mirant Canada Energy Marketing Ltd. would also b=
e an ideal outcome out of this; however, the first priority is getting a ne=
w physical gas master between ECC and Mirant Canada Energy Marketing Ltd.

If there is any other information that I can provide on this matter, please=
do not hesitate to contact me.


Randy Otto
Senior Credit Analyst

Enron Canada Corp.
3500 Canterra Tower
400 - 3rd Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 4H2

403-974-6716 (ph)
403-974-6706 (fax)