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Did a friend forward this to you? Get on the Bush eTrain and have updates sent directly to you: http://www.BusheTrain.com. Unsubscribe/address change links are at bottom. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bush News November 10, 2000 http://www.georgewbush.com AOL: <a href=http://www.georgewbush.com<GeorgeWBush.com</a< Contents: 1 Statement from Secretary James A. Baker III 2 Statement from Karen Hughes 3 FL Papers: FL County Dems Try Filling in Blanks on Ballots; Buchanan Numbers Possible 4 Democrats Urge Gore to Quit Legal Wrangling 5 New York Times, Washington Post, Others: Revote or Court Remedy Politically Unsound and Legally Questionable _________________________________________________________________ 1 STATEMENT FROM SECRETARY JAMES A. BAKER III The American people voted on November 7. Governor George W. Bush won 31 states with a total of 271 electoral votes. The vote in Florida was very close, but when it was counted, Governor Bush was the winner. Now, three days later, the vote in Florida has been recounted. Over two-thirds of the state election supervisors overseeing the recount are Democrats. At the end of this recount, Governor Bush is still the winner, subject only to counting the overseas ballots, which have traditionally favored the Republican candidate. No evidence of vote fraud either in the original vote or in the recount has been presented. Now the Gore campaign is calling for yet another recount in selective and predominantly Democratic counties where there were unexplained large vote swings in their favor in the recount. It appears that the Gore campaign is attempting to unduly prolong the country's national Presidential election through endless challenges to the results of the vote here in Florida. Furthermore, the more often ballots are recounted, especially by hand, the more likely it is that human errors, like lost ballots, and other risks, will be introduced. This frustrates the very reason why we have moved from hand counting to machine counting. Let me say a word specifically about the Palm Beach ballot. There is a rule of law to be followed for elections. The state of Florida has established legal procedures to design, approve, publish and, if need be, to protest ballots before the election. The ballot was designed by a Democratic elections supervisor. She approved it. The Democratic Party did not question it before the election. This "butterfly"-type ballot was used in recent elections in the same county under the same rules. Again, the Democrats did not complain. The overwhelming majority of voters who used the ballot understood it and cast valid votes. Our lawyers have confirmed the legality of this ballot, and we have copies of the relevant Florida statute available for you to see. The Gore campaign has also tried to make a lot of the fact that double marked ballots are not counted. A key principle in America is one person, one vote. If we have ballots with two votes, of course we cannot count them or guess about them. Ballots that are double-marked can't be evidence of the voter's intent to vote one way or another. No jurisdiction in the United States would accept such a ballot as a valid vote, and Florida law specifically does not. It happens in every precinct in every election. And the procedure is clear: These ballots must be disregarded. We understand, and I understand personally, that it is frustrating to lose by a narrow margin. But it happens. It happened to the Republican Presidential candidates in 1960 and 1976. Both Vice President Nixon and President Ford put the country's interest first. They accepted the vote for the good of the country. It is important that there be some finality to the election process. What if we insisted on recounts in other states that are very close? For example, in Wisconsin, Iowa, (and if we don't win) New Mexico. Let the country step back a moment, pause, and think about what's at stake. This may be the last chance. There is no reasonable end to this process if it slips away. The purpose of our national election is to establish a "Constitutional government," not unending legal wrangling. We will therefore vigorously oppose the Gore campaign's efforts to keep recounting until it likes the result. For the good of the country and the sake of our standing in the world, the campaigning should end, and the business of an orderly transition should begin. _________________________________________________________________ 2 STATEMENT FROM BUSH COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR KAREN HUGHES: "The vote count on Tuesday night showed Governor Bush won Florida's election, and a recount has now confirmed his victory. The only votes left to be counted are the overseas absentee ballots, which in the past have favored Republican candidates. Bob Dole carried the overseas ballots in Florida in 1996 by a margin of 54 to 40 percent, even though he lost the election in Florida. We hope Vice President Gore and his campaign will reconsider their threats of lawsuits or still more recounts, which could undermine the constitutional process of selecting a President and has no foreseeable end." _________________________________________________________________ 3 Palm Beach Post Capital Bureau NORTH FLORIDA COUNTY TRIES TO FILL IN BLANKS ON BALLOTS http://www.gopbi.com/partners/pbpost/epaper/editions/today/news_16.html Palm Beach News SUPPORTERS: BUCHANAN NUMBERS POSSIBLE http://www.gopbi.com/partners/pbdailynews/11/1110buchanan.html _________________________________________________________________ 4 DEMOCRATS URGE GORE TO QUIT LEGAL WRANGLING "Senator John B. Breaux, a Louisiana Democrat, questioned the Gore campaign's wisdom in challenging the Palm Beach result. The right thing, Mr. Breaux said, 'is to count the votes and respect the decision,' without lengthy litigation. And Senator Robert G. Torricelli, Democrat of New Jersey, warned against getting mired in the courts... "'I want Al Gore to win the election,' Mr. Torricelli told reporters, 'but more than that, I want somebody to win this election. There is going to have to be a very compelling case for anybody to take this into a court of law.'" - The New York Times' R. W. Apple, Jr., 11/10/00 _________________________________________________________________ 5 NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, OTHERS: REVOTE OR COURT REMEDY POLITICALLY UNSOUND AND LEGALLY QUESTIONABLE "The problem is that potential remedies, such as a new election in Palm Beach County, seem politically unsound and legally questionable. The sad reality is that ballot disputes and imperfections are a feature of every election. It will poison the political atmosphere if presidential elections, in particular, come to be seen as merely a starting point for litigation." - New York Times, Editorial, 11/10/00 http://www.nytimes.com/2000/11/10/opinion/10FRI1.html "We say yes to counting a little more, but the legal action about which Mr. Daley spoke elliptically should be approached with enormous caution and restraint. Absent more than is currently known, our sense is that either a lawsuit or a repeat vote would raise at least as many questions as it would likely resolve; the courts in the end can't legitimize the results." - Washington Post, Editorial, 11/10/00 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A57302-2000Nov9.html "Some folks are even calling for a rerun of the Florida election. It is important to decide this election by the rules that 100 million Americans understood -- or should have understood -- when they entered the voting booth Tuesday. This is not just about fair play for Al Gore and George W. Bush. It is about defending a system that regards voting-day verdicts as the final word, a concept that distinguishes this nation from most others in the world." - San Francisco Chronicle, Editorial, 11/9/00 "'You know, I don't think the ballot was a problem, Bill and I'll tell you why-is that there's one section I don't know if people are really looking at, which relates to electronic or electromechanical voting. And in that particular case, what the law says down here, it says 'Voting squares may be placed in front of or in back of the names of candidates and statements.'" - CNN's "Crossfire," Greta Van Susteren, 11/09/00 "If you start saying the ballot should be thrown out because of confusion, I think that cases like that could be brought all over the country." - CNN's Larry King Live, Bill Schneider, 11/8/00 _________________________________________________________________ Paid for by Bush-Cheney 2000, Inc. http://www.georgewbush.com ============================================================================== To unsubscribe, please go here: http://www.georgewbush.com/unsubscribe.asp?email=EBASS@ENRON.COM To change your e-mail address or any other subscription information, please go here: http://www.georgewbush.com/MyGeorgeW.asp