Enron Mail

Subject:An important message from Newsmax
Date:Tue, 29 Jan 2002 13:27:09 -0800 (PST)

Dear Americans,

Here's another great forward from Newsmax. Check it out.

For America,

Bruce Eberle

-----Original Message-----

Book that predicted attacks, economic slump, has MORE

This New Book Tells the Whole Story About Bill & Hillary

Just before Bill and Hillary Clinton left the White House
NewsMax published "Bitter Legacy: The Untold Story of the
Clinton-Gore Years." Edited by journalists NewsMax's Chris
Ruddy and Carl Limbacher, "Bitter Legacy" was about the
Clinton years -- and a grave warning about the future.

As you know, NewsMax.com is the leading online news service
for thinking conservatives. You've heard of us on Rush
Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Mike Reagan, Mike Savage and Sean

Already NewsMax's book "Bitter Legacy" has become an
internet best-seller, with more than 50,000 copies sold and
growing. Now "Bitter Legacy" is viewed as "prophetic." One
reader wrote to us, "This is the best book on the Clinton
years I have ever read. It also has been a great road map
for the future. You've been proven right already."

"Bitter Legacy" predicted America would pay the bill for the
Clintons after they left the White House.

"Bitter Legacy" said America would become vulnerable to
foreign attack, and that foreign crises would dominate this
current administration.

"Bitter Legacy" showed how the Clinton White House and Alan
Greenspan built the U.S. economy on a house of cards -- and
that an economic fallout would most assuredly happen.

On both counts, NewsMax was right!

You need to get a copy of "Bitter Legacy" today and read its
important predictions about Hillary, future wars and the
economy. Also check out our FREE offer to get "Bitter
Legacy" free with a one-year subscription to NewsMax

Michael Reagan says NewsMax and NewsMax magazine are his
favorite news sources. He said, "I guarantee you'll love
NewsMax magazine." NewsMax magazine you'll read Chris Ruddy,
Bill O'Reilly, David Limbaugh, Mike Reagan, Mike Savage and
many others.

Take advantage of this incredible offer: Order NewsMax
magazine and get "Bitter Legacy" for FREE.

Read more about "Bitter Legacy" Click Here:


<a href="http://www.newsmaxstore.com/nm_mag/offers.cfm?RefID=3" <AOL users click here</a<

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