Enron Mail

Subject:Breaking news from NewsMax
Date:Tue, 15 Jan 2002 06:19:17 -0800 (PST)

Dear Americans,

Below is an important email from Newsmax. Check it out.

For America,

Bruce Eberle

----Original Message-----
From: Newmax.com
To: Bruce Eberle

Breaking News from NewsMax

Where Will War Break Out Next?

Israel? Korea's DMZ? Kasmir?

That's the question NewsMax magazine tries to answer in its
exciting February issue with its cover story "Exploding

Former Stars & Stripes editor Dave Eberhart reveals in
NewsMax magazine that the world is a much more dangerous
place in the wake of 9-11.

If you want to be ahead of the curve as to the next crisis,
you can be - by subscribing to NewsMax magazine.

Plus there's much more in NewsMax magazine, including:

* Hillary's latest presidential moves

* New York City's plan to drop from its memorial plans white
firefighters depicted in the famous flag raising image, and
replace them with African Americans

* Surprising new information about Colin Powell, and how he
was out of the loop on 9-11

* Peggy Noonan tells how Ronald Reagan prevented terrorism
during his watch

* Why a former CBS broadcaster is lining up with Bernard
Goldberg to denounce Dan Rather's 'Bias'

* More evidence California gubernatorial candidate Richard
Riordan is no Republican

* More on the Oliver Stone controversy over "The Day Reagan
Was Shot" and Stone's viscious attack on Al Haig

..and much, much more!

Plus... each month in NewsMax magazine you'll get special
columns from Christopher Ruddy, David Limbaugh, Bill
O'Reilly, Mike Savage, Barry Farber, Carl Limbacher, Mike
Reagan and many others.

Already NewsMax is the leading conservative news source in
America -- and the only one endorsed by Michael Reagan.

Mike Reagan says, "I guarantee you'll love NewsMax

Special offer: Start your free subscription to NewsMax
magazine today.

There's no risk and we'll even give your our FREE special
report on Hillary Clinton's presidential plans -- the free
report and free trial subscription is a $40 value!

Click Here today:
<a href="https://www.newsmaxstore.com/nm_mag_hillary_sp/index.cfm?RefID=2"<AOL users click here</a<

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