Enron Mail

Subject:Earn free travel with icruise.com!
Date:Thu, 17 Jan 2002 12:28:33 -0800 (PST)

Dear icruise member,=20
I recently wrote you about our exciting new product, the icruise.com credit=
card! Today, I wanted to announce an additional enhancement that will make=
the icruise.com card "your card of choice". For a limited time only, you c=
an now receive a 0% annual percentage rate (APR) for all purchases, cash ad=
vances and BALANCE TRANSFERS! Of course you will also receive icruiseMiles,=
usable towards the purchase of a cruise from icruise.com on up to ELEVEN d=
ifferent cruise lines. Add to that, No Annual Fee, No Blackout Dates and a =
credit line up to $100,000 and you have a credit card that really works for=
you! We will even give you 3,000 icruiseMiles FREE after first use of the =
card. Click here to apply now! <http://credit.i-cruise.com<
Alex Aliksanyan

P.S. I urge you once again to consider the benefits of 0% APR and icruiseMi=
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left edge <http://www2.i-cruise.com/images/cc_email_leftedge.gif<=09icruis=
e credit card <http://credit.i-cruise.com< icruise credit card <http://www2=
sep <http://credit.i-cruise.com<=20

icruise <http://www2.i-cruise.com/images/cc_emailhead.gif<
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sep <http://www2.i-cruise.com/images/cc_email_arrow.gif<Earn 17,000 icruis=
eMiles and receive $500 towards your next
cruise booked with icruise.com!
sep <http://www2.i-cruise.com/images/cc_email_arrow.gif<Earn 27,000 icruis=
eMiles and receive $800 towards your next
cruise booked with icruise.com!
sep <http://www2.i-cruise.com/images/cc_email_arrow.gif<Get 3,000 icruiseM=
iles after your first transaction?
sep <http://www2.i-cruise.com/images/cc_email_arrow.gif<Earn two icruiseMi=
les for every dollar charged at icruise.com
sep <http://www2.i-cruise.com/images/cc_email_arrow.gif<Earn icruiseMiles =
for purchases you make with your
icruise.com credit card
plus <http://www2.i-cruise.com/images/cc_email_plus.gif<
Dollar rewards usable virtually on all major cruise lines
booked on icruise.com.=20
No blackout dates=20
No annual fee=20
redemable on <http://www2.i-cruise.com/images/cc_logos2.gif<
Redeem icruiseMiles on: redemable on <http://www2.i-cruise.com/images/cc_l=

?Restrictions apply. icruiseMiles and discounts are provided by i-cruise.co=
m corp. and apply only to bookings made through icruise.com and are the sol=
e responsibilty of i-cruise.com corp. Full details accompany the credit car=
d. Program terms subject to change and void where prohibited by law. MBNA, =
MBNA America and Platinum Plus are service marks of MBNA America Bank, N. A=
. Visa is a federally registered service mark of Visa U.S.A. Inc., and is u=
sed by MBNA pursuant to license. All other trademarks or sevicemarks are pr=
operty of their respective owners. There are costs associated with the use =
of this credit card. You may contact the issuer and administrator of the pr=
ogram, MBNA America Bank, to request specific information about the cost by=
clicking on the above URL, calling 1-800-932-2775 or writing to: MBNA Amer=
ica, PO Box 15020, Wilmington, DE 19850 ?2002 MBNA America Bank, N.A. =09? =
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ials mailing list please click here <http://www2.i-cruise.com/unsubscribe.h=
tm< and follow instructions.