Enron Mail

Subject:Project Management Training
Date:Sat, 24 Nov 2001 01:44:47 -0800 (PST)

David E. WilliamsNormalDavid E. Williams332001-11-24T06:15:00Z2001-11-24T06:25:00Z12761576DEW Training & Consulting133184910.2625BestFitCleanCleanMicrosoftInternetExplorer4
EverythingYou Need To Manage Your Projects-In This ONE Seminar! DEW Training & Consulting in cooperation with CADENCE Management Corporation isholding a public two-day Project Management Training Course on December 11thand 12th.

This2-day Project Management seminar emphasizes practical, real-worldapplication. Gain flexible, easy-to-use skills. Immediately applythe tools and techniques. Return to work ready to run your projectssuccessfully.

You areactively involved in class through workshops, exercises and groupdiscussions. Exchange ideas and experiences with peers and managers fromleading industries.

CourseFee: The fullregistration fee of $895 per person is payable in advance. Included arethe 2-Day seminar, 280+ page reference manual, luncheons and meetingmaterials. Discounts are available when 2 or more individuals from onecompany attend the same seminar. Call us for discount options.

Registration: Please register early. Classsize is limited to increase the learning effectiveness. For fastregistration, call us, fax, email or complete the registration online. A confirmation will be sent to you with meeting details.

Credits:Allof our project management training qualifies for continuing educationcredits. You can earn CPEs, CEUs and PDUs whenattending our project management seminars.

Location: Wyndham GreenspointHotel, 12400 Greenspoint Drive, Houston, TX 77060, Phone: 281-875-2222,FAX: 281-875-1652

Contact Us : Visit ourwebsite at www.dew-consulting.com, email us at contact@dew-consulting.comor call us today at281-357-8322.