Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Super Bowl Party - 2/3/02
Date:Thu, 31 Jan 2002 15:01:35 -0800 (PST)

Thanks for the invite.

I'm staying in DC this weekend and I'm not sure what time I'll be back on
Sunday. I'm flying standby, so hopefully I don't get bumped to later


-----Original Message-----
From: Bass, Eric
To: MMMarcantel@equiva.com
Sent: 1/31/02 4:22 PM
Subject: FW: Super Bowl Party - 2/3/02

Hey Mitch,

Just got your e-mail address. Read Below.


< -----Original Message-----
< From: Bass, Eric
< Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 4:22 PM
< To: Bass, Eric; Baumbach, David; Jeganathan, Lenine; Olsen, Michael;
Lenhart, Matthew; Blanchard, Timothy; Winfree, O'Neal D.; Ryder,
Patrick; Love, Phillip M.; 'mballases@hotmail.com'; 'Kevin Boone
(E-mail)'; 'Val Generes (E-mail)'
< Cc: Husser, Shanna
< Subject: RE: Super Bowl Party - 2/3/02
< Ok, here is the deal. The party will be at my place on Sunday. My
apartment is located at 4848 Pin Oak Park #1503 the zip is 77081 if you
want to look up the location on maps.yahoo.com. Basic directions from
downtown are:
< take 59S and exit Newcastle. Take left on Newcastle. Follow across
Westpark to Pin Oak. Take right on Pin Oak (this is the first stop sign
past Westpark). Follow Pin Oak approx 2 blocks to Pin Oak PARK (not
GREEN) and make a right into complex. Apt #1503
< my home # is 713-661-2601; cell is 713-628-3104
< I will see you then.
< Tim - please forward to Mitch
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Bass, Eric
< Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 9:45 AM
< To: Baumbach, David; Jeganathan, Lenine; Olsen, Michael; Lenhart,
Matthew; Blanchard, Timothy; Winfree, O'Neal D.; Ryder, Patrick; Love,
Phillip M.; 'mballases@hotmail.com'; Kevin Boone (E-mail); Val Generes
< Cc: Husser, Shanna
< Subject: Super Bowl Party - 2/3/02
< I was thinking of having a get together at my place but I wanted to
gauge interest first. Let me know if you are interested. I will send
out another e-mail if I get enough responses.
< -Eric

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