Enron Mail

Subject:$80 Crystal Bear Now $4.95
Date:Fri, 11 Jan 2002 12:17:30 -0800 (PST)

Go baby go... $4.95!
<http://www.paid4survey.net/hbg/upload/69/drum.jpg<;Bear and Drum

This crystal contains 24% to 30% lead with strict quality control. They were specifically ordered by oversea distributors to be sold to department stores. Due to the Economic downturn, the distributor went bankrupt, which also brought down the manufacturer. We were able to pick up the inventory at pennies on a dollar. We just pass the saving to you. That's why you're seeing rediculus prices here.
Similar item like this sell for more than $130 in retail store, but it will be yours for $4.95 .
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