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M=20 --------------------------- "Inside UT Football"=20 <InsideUTFootball@dallasnews.com<@newsletters.dallasnews.com on 10/12/2000= =20 12:15:00 AM Please respond to "Inside UT Football" <InsideUTFootball@dallasnews.com< Sent by: newsletters@newsletters.dallasnews.com To: "Inside UT Football Subscribers"=20 <InsideUTFootball@newsletters.dallasnews.com< cc: =20 Subject: Inside UT Football: October 12, 2000 [IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] =20 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09It's do-or-die for Longhorns=20 =09 =09Oct. 12, 2000=20 =09 =09[IMAGE]Chip Brown, who covers Texas football for The Dallas Morning News= ,=20 answers your questions about rebounding from the Oklahoma loss, Major=20 Applewhite as the sole starter, promotions for Roy Williams and B.J. Johnso= n=20 and more. Inside Texas Football appears each Thursday.=20 =09 =09E-mail questions to Chip: chipbrown@dallasnews.com=20 =09 =09Listen to Chip Brown talk about the Longhorns on =09DallasNews.com's Colleges site=20 =09 =09 =09 =09Chip Shot=20 =09 =09 =09This week, Texas faces the man whom UT officials considered a finalist f= or=20 the Longhorns' coaching job awarded to Mack Brown. The Longhorns travel to= =20 Boulder, Colo., and meet Gary Barnett's Buffaloes.=20 =09 =09No team has ever beaten Texas seven straight times. But that's exactly w= hat=20 the Buffaloes will be trying to do this week. Colorado has won six straight= =20 against UT dating to 1989. Texas last beat Colorado in the 1975 Bluebonnet= =20 Bowl, and hasn't won in Boulder since 1941.=20 =09 =09Two of the last three UT-CU games have been decided on the final drives.= The=20 Buffs won on a final-play field goal in Austin in 1994, and the Longhorns'= =20 Hail Mary pass fell incomplete in a 28-24 loss in Boulder in 1996.=20 =09 =09Here are some comments from Barnett in his weekly news conference:=20 =09 =09On the play of his team in its first victory of the season over Texas A&= M:=20 "The play of our offensive line was the most dominant we've had. I felt lik= e=20 the line and all the kids really cut it loose for the first time this seaso= n.=20 We were a much more focused team."=20 =09 =09On Texas: "Texas is the most talented team we'll face this year, maybe i= n a=20 couple years. They are loaded with talent on both sides of the ball, and th= ey=20 have depth. You've got to think after their loss (to Oklahoma), they will= =20 come in here really inspired. It should be a good matchup. The obvious=20 challenge for us is to hold up defensively against their passing game."=20 =09 =09On Mack Brown: "What I've been most impressed with Mack is his ability t= o get=20 players. He's forced the hand of a lot of players and gotten commitments=20 early. They have been able to hand-pick the players they want out of Texas.= =20 When you can get Roy Williams, B.J. Johnson and Sloan Thomas in the same=20 class, something is going on. Something good. We recruited all of those=20 players. The hype around Simms had something to do with it, too. Receivers= =20 want to play with a good quarterback."=20 =09 =09 =09Longhorn Q & A=20 =09Q:What's the deal with the QB rotation this week? And were there any oth= er=20 promotions to the starting lineup?=20 =09?? Marge Ringer=20 =09 =09BROWN: Major Applewhite was named the starter for the Colorado game on= =20 Tuesday by coach Mack Brown. Brown said Chris Simms would only be used on a= =20 "need-to-win" basis, meaning that for the first time this season, there is = no=20 plan to play both QBs this week. The coaches are hoping that by turning the= =20 offense over to Applewhite exclusively, there will be a spark. UT offensive= =20 coordinator Greg Davis said, however, that Texas could go back to the QB=20 rotation after this week. The coaches will wait and see. As far as other=20 promotions, B.J. Johnson will start at flanker ahead of Brandon Healy and R= oy=20 Williams will start at split end ahead of Montrell Flowers. The coaches mad= e=20 these promotions, in part, to help encourage Williams and Johnson to take= =20 more of a vocal leadership role. And coaches said freshman tight end Brock= =20 Edwards might see more playing time, and running back Kenny Hayter will see= =20 more carries than the two he had against OU last week.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09Kenny Hayter=20 =09 =09Q:I'm having trouble understanding why the Longhorns will not put in a b= igger=20 running back during first and second down to increase their chances at a=20 third-and-short situation. I believe Hodges Mitchell is more of a third-dow= n=20 back who is better suited for throwing to out of the backfield than he is a= =20 guy who can pound the ball straight ahead and pick up four to six yards on= =20 first and second down. Watching the game last week and previous games as=20 well, I've noticed too many times that Texas has put itself in third and=20 long situations due to not =09 =09picking up anything on the first two downs. Kenny Hayter, in my opinion,= is a=20 more physical back who doesn't go down as easy. They should put him in ther= e=20 on first and second down to pick up some positive yardage, and bring in=20 Hodges to run draw plays and block on third down since he has good hands an= d=20 is a reliable blocker. =20 =09?? Eric Barker, Plano, Texas=20 =09 =09BROWN: Texas got behind so early against Oklahoma that the running game= =20 became a moot point. Mack Brown said he should have run the ball more in th= e=20 second half to grind out the clock and keep the score closer. But he said h= e=20 was foolish enough to think his team could come back, so UT tried to throw= =20 and score quickly. Hayter took most of the first-team snaps in practice thi= s=20 week, so look for him to get more of a chance against Colorado.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09Q:What recruits were on the sideline for the OU game? =20 =09?? Lance Kyles=20 =09 =09BROWN: None. Texas was the visiting team. Only the home team is allowed = to=20 bring recruits to UT-OU game. So UT will be allowed to bring recruits to ne= xt=20 year's OU game.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09Q:Why did Kenny Hayter get only two carries? Why didn't our defense get= =20 pressure on Josh Heupel? Why do we run so many 5-yard patterns on offense?= =20 Give us the answers, Chip. What are the coaches' comments on these topics?= =20 =09?? Cody Anderson, Houston=20 =09 =09BROWN: I think I've pretty much answered the Hayter question. The runnin= g=20 game became somewhat irrelevant in the OU game pretty quickly because UT wa= s=20 forced to pass to try to get back in it. But Hodges Mitchell did get a lot = of=20 time, mostly because he ran for 204 yards in last year's OU game and becaus= e=20 he is the bigger receiving threat. Look for Hayter to get more carries this= =20 week. It's hard to believe that Shaun Rogers makes that big of a difference= ,=20 but Casey Hampton said UT would have gotten more pressure on Heupel if Roge= rs=20 was in there. Rogers is expected to play this week. The 5-yard patterns,=20 according to offensive coordinator Greg Davis, are the routes that the=20 defense is giving Texas. The coaches want the receivers to become more like= =20 running backs after the catch and use their speed and moves to break for bi= g=20 yards.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09Q:I began following Longhorn football when I arrived at UT in 1995, and= no=20 one was more shocked than me when the alumni and DeLoss Dodds turned on Jo= hn=20 Mackovic so viciously after the loss to UCLA in 1997. Not only was I appall= ed=20 at the time, but I was even more horrified to learn that this was par for= =20 the course for UT football coaches. Mack Brown seems to have been truly=20 embraced by the community over the last two years, but I'm worried we are= =20 about to see a repeat of history. What do you think?=20 =09?? Lisa Davis, Austin=20 =09 =09BROWN: I was surprised at the venom being spit this week in and around= =20 Austin. People were talking about hiring John Mackovic as offensive=20 coordinator or bringing in Spike Dykes to talk to UT about how to respond= =20 after being blown out. All of this is crazy. Now, I will grant you that thi= s=20 game with Colorado is do-or-die as far as the Big 12 title. If UT loses it,= =20 the Horns will pretty much need the rest of the Big 12 South to fall apart = in=20 order to get into the league title game. But if UT wins, the Horns are real= ly=20 in the driver's seat for the Big 12 South title. I say that because the=20 chances of OU winning two of three against No. 1 Nebraska, No. 2 Kansas Sta= te=20 and at Texas A=02?are slim. The chances are good the Sooners will emerge wi= th at=20 least two losses in those games. Texas can get right back in the race with = a=20 win Saturday. If the Longhorns do win and UT looks good with Major Applewhi= te=20 at QB, then everyone will say "I told you so, Mack" regarding the QB rotati= on=20 having slowed down UT's offense all season. But the critical fans will also= =20 embrace Mack and move on. If Texas loses, I think people will be upset, but= =20 they will also need to get behind Mack Brown and start building support for= =20 the rest of this season and next season. Mack Brown isn't going anywhere.= =20 He'll be around Texas for a good while.=20 =09< ? =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09Casey Hampton=20 =09 =09Q:I know I have no right to criticize coaching because I don't have any = idea =20 what I would do in their situation. Having said that, I now must say that = =20 after a while, one begins to wonder about the coaching. You've said numero= us=20 times that the coaches shouldn't be blamed for the Longhorns' inconsistenc= y,=20 and most of the time I agree with you. However, this pattern UT seems to= =20 follow amazes me. Every few games, everything just blows up and we are=20 embarrassed. How can a team with such obviously great talent manage to scr= ew=20 up horribly in random=20 =09 =09games? My only thought is that it has to be the coaching. It's not like= the=20 players aren't good enough. Kenny Hayter proves in the OSU game to be the= =20 solution to the running game's problem. Why replace him the next weekend i= n=20 a much bigger game with the truly hard-working, but honestly inefficient= =20 Hodges Mitchell? Why run the ball over and over when it obviously doesn't= =20 work? Or it could work, if the right players were in... These things baffl= e=20 me. Do you think the coaching is one of the problems? What can be done to= =20 fix the inconsistencies that are actually becoming consistent and developi= ng=20 a pattern of embarrassing losses? Last year there was N.C. State, and then= =20 the last three awful games. This year, it's mediocre Stanford, and the go= od=20 but not THAT good OU. Will it ever stop? Thanks, I enjoy your newsletter.= =20 =09?? David Rowe, Austin=20 =09 =09BROWN: I think the OU game was, to some degree, an aberration. Oklahoma = got=20 it going and kept punching Texas in the face, and UT never got a punch in t= o=20 slow the Sooners down. Josh Heupel looked like Joe Montana, and the avalanc= he=20 was on. The biggest problem for Texas right now is no leadership on offense= .=20 Giving the offensive reins to Major Applewhite this week is a great move, I= =20 believe. It could give the Longhorns confidence, if it's not too late and t= he=20 offensive psyche hasn't been beaten down too much. The offensive line has n= o=20 vocal, emotional leaders. Antwan Kirk-Hughes is developing into that guy. B= ut=20 none of the other guys are fiery, vocal guys. And Applewhite has been an=20 ineffective leader to this point because he has been so worried about wheth= er=20 he is going to play well enough to stay in a game with this QB rotation.=20 Coaches can only do so much when it comes to leadership on the field. You= =20 can't make a guy do more pushups and make him into a leader. That stuff is= =20 inherent in players. Either you have it or you don't. On defense, Casey=20 Hampton and Shaun Rogers are the heart and soul. On special teams Beau Trah= an=20 needs to take command. On offense, it's clearly Applewhite who will have to= =20 step up. Maybe the end of the QB rotation will help him do that.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09Q:Is it obvious to just fans or everyone that the Texas coaches fail to = have=20 the team prepared each week and fail to provide the opponent with a new =20 wrinkle or two each week? The opposing team always seems to know what is=20 coming while Texas is always caught by surprise early on. On offense, the= =20 play-calling is extremely predictable and increasingly uncreative. On=20 defense, the opponents used what worked in previous weeks against Texas and= =20 the defense never seems to have made an adjustment. The defense uses the sa= me=20 blitzes without mixing things up enough. Both coach Reese and coach Davis= =20 seem extremely stubborn and refuse to try something new for fear of a mista= ke=20 or setback. Well, we have suffered both, so why not give the players some= =20 excitement and give the opposing team some uncomfortable feeling while on t= he=20 sideline after seeing something totally new? It seemed to work against OSU= =20 with a little different blocking scheme. Good job but do it every week,=20 especially against the tougher opponents. Do you see these problems and=20 tendencies also?=20 =09?? Todd Purl=20 =09 =09BROWN: In talking to Greg Davis on Tuesday, he said he is re-evaluating = his=20 play calling and has questioned himself about the creativity of it. Texas h= as=20 done well in the shotgun, four-wide, one-minute offense. But Davis said jus= t=20 using that set goes against their philosophy of trying to be balanced 50-50= =20 with the run and the pass. At some point, and maybe this week, if that line= =20 can't open any holes for the backs, it will be time to give up hopes of bei= ng=20 balanced and throw the ball out of four wides and use the pass to set up th= e=20 run. We'll see if things improve this week. There is no question that the= =20 coaches are rethinking EVERYTHING right now. Davis also said he has gotten= =20 after the offense for all the penalties that have been killing early drives= .=20 =09? =09 =09 =09Q:I am a Longhorn fan who tries to be realistic. Win alot, lose some -- = be=20 realistic. One thing that is very disturbing to me now, above winning and= =20 losing, is the following: After the last four big games, some Longhorn has= =20 said "the other team just wanted it more" After Oklahoma, it was Hodges=20 Mitchell who said it. I remember reading the same comments after Arkansas a= nd=20 Nebraska. Why do you think our players are not as hungry as our opponents? = Or=20 is it the players will not give it up for Mack Brown as the Sooners might = =20 for Bob Stoops, the Hogs do for their coach, etc. =20 =09?? Mike Engelman=20 =09 =09BROWN: This is an interesting question and one that I think is very tell= ing.=20 When Texas was the underdog or was still surging from the depths of 4-7 und= er=20 the new attitude brought in by Mack Brown, the Longhorns got up for teams= =20 like Nebraska (1998 and 1999) and Texas A=02?(1998) and won. But now that T= exas=20 is the favorite in every game, the Longhorns are struggling. Even though=20 Brown built North Carolina into a national power by the end of his tenure= =20 there, the Tar Heels were never expected to win a national title. But with= =20 everything Brown has done to stir up interest and belief in Texas (recruiti= ng=20 star players, beating Nebraska twice, re-establishing tradition), he will b= e=20 expected to contend for a national title here in the very near future. So h= e=20 has to find ways to get his team on edge for games such as OU, even when th= e=20 Sooners have every reason to beat the Longhorns. The past five losses have= =20 all come against teams who appeared to have more reasons to beat UT than UT= =20 had to beat them - Texas A=02?(revenge and the bonfire tragedy), Nebraska (= had=20 been beaten by UT three straight times), Arkansas (finally back in the Cott= on=20 Bowl, looking to beat its old rival), Stanford (coming off 69-17 loss to UT= =20 in 1999) and Oklahoma (loser of three straight to UT). If Texas has any hop= e=20 of fending off teams looking to make a name for themselves with a win over= =20 Texas, Brown will have to find ways to equalize the incentive factor and ma= ke=20 his team more hungry. Again, some of that will have to come from leadership= =20 among players. Some of it will be Mack Brown reinventing himself or=20 constantly arousing the senses of his players in different ways.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09Greg Davis=20 =09 =09Q:It was quite obvious from watching the game Saturday that we were=20 thoroughly outplayed in all phases of the game. Even more disappointing is= =20 the fact that we were thoroughly outcoached, too. I am convinced that are= =20 offensive schemes will continue to be inconsistent, at best, against the=20 better defenses in the country. To support my argument, I reviewed the last= =20 seven games (including this one) we have played against "good" defenses=20 (K-State, Nebraska twice, A&M, Arkansas, OSU, OU). The results are terrible= .=20 We have averaged 216 passing yards per game (would rank =09 =09 54th in the country in 2000) and 52 rushing yards per game (112th in th= e=20 country in 2000). Our total offense of 268 yards per game would rank 99th i= n=20 the country in 2000. Although this review could be construed as overly=20 conservative, it still makes my point that our offense is well below averag= e=20 when facing better defenses. I feel like Greg Davis is getting too much=20 credit for our offensive output against bad defenses, resulting in a failur= e=20 to see the inherent weaknesses in our scheme. I would like your comments on= =20 this prevailing problem and I would also like to know where Kenny Hayter wa= s=20 on Saturday! Thanks,=20 =09?? Lane=20 =09 =09BROWN: I tend to think that Davis does need to mix things up a little bi= t=20 more. Perhaps by having one QB running the offense, things will settle down= ,=20 and some more offensive flow will result. I think the answers may begin=20 there. Perhaps if Applewhite can get things moving without fear of being=20 yanked, the confidence will spread everywhere, including the booth where=20 plays are being called. Without question, when a team is struggling, the=20 tendency is to simplify. Well, UT can't afford to simplify its offense=20 anymore.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09Q:Why did the coaching staff remove, or go away from, the quick-strike, = no-=20 huddle offense that was used in the first game? The team seemed to come =20 alive when they began using that offense, along with the appearance of Majo= r =20 Applewhite. I believe if this offense would have been used against Stanford= , =20 the team would have been unbeaten going into OU. The quick-strike offense = =20 did not make another appearance until a dire situation in the OU game. Then= =20 when the Horns used it, they moved the ball down the field and scored. Why= =20 not use this more and keep the defense guessing? Unlike most coaches, I=20 believe with this style of offense, the pass will set up the run, and we a= ll=20 would love to see a consistent running game.=20 =09?? Brian Gannon=20 =09 =09BROWN: I will quote Greg Davis when I asked him the same question: "The= =20 one-minute offense creates a tempo. It forces the game to go up-tempo becau= se=20 it's a situation where everything is done at the line. The argument against= =20 using it as a standard offense is that it goes against our overall philosop= hy=20 of being balanced, 50-50, with the run and the pass."=20 =09? =09 =09Q:The OU game was an unmitigated disaster from start to finish with no= =20 redeeming features whatsoever which sets the program back at least a year,= =20 if not more. So tell us something good, Chip ... PLEASE! =20 =09?? Rowell Rogers, Denton=20 =09 =09BROWN: Again, if Texas wins this week, the Longhorns are back in the dri= ver's=20 seat for the Big 12 South, in my opinion. I would be surprised if Texas=20 doesn't bounce back with its best effort of the season. If there is a clear= =20 hangover, and Texas loses, it will be time to take the bad with the good. F= or=20 every 1998 storybook season, there is a season where everything doesn't fal= l=20 into place as expected. But let's see what happens this week. The effects o= f=20 the OU game won't set the program back a year unless the Longhorns let it. = If=20 UT bounces back this week and wins, the Longhorns have a pretty good schedu= le=20 to get to the A=02?game with only one league loss. Let's see what happens.= =20 =09? =09 =09 =09Q:You stated that every QB would benefit from a redshirt year unless the= y=20 were Michael Vick. Michael Vick redshirted at Virginia Tech and benefited= =20 greatly from it. It was even his idea. They made a pretty big deal about it= =20 last year.=20 =09?? Brad Livingston=20 =09 =09BROWN: I stand corrected. But even in my error, I proved my point. I sai= d all=20 freshmen benefit from a redshirt year, and Chris Simms probably would have,= =20 too. I should have stated that Vick is the perfect example. Thank you for= =20 setting the record straight.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09Q:It seems as though Major Applewhite has a better connection with the= =20 receivers than Chris Simms does. Do you think this is legit or is it merely= =20 coincidence since Simms has been starting and the receivers are cold, but= =20 Applewhite comes into the heat of the game when everyone has started to run= =20 on all cylinders? Also, why is the coaching staff giving Simms every chance= =20 to win the starting position when it is obvious to fans, coaches, and=20 opponents that Applewhite is the leader and the one to watch out for? Surel= y=20 if Simms lives up to his pedigree as everyone hopes, he wouldn't have his= =20 feelings hurt if he lost the starting job to someone superior to him.=20 =09?? Brandon May=20 =09 =09BROWN: Simms said this week that if the coaches went solely with Applewh= ite,=20 he could live with it as long as it was best for the team. He said he has= =20 been pressing and that interceptions have become a regular negative in his= =20 play. He said the grade he would give himself this season would be terrible= .=20 But he says, in his heart, he believes he will show everyone the promise th= at=20 has been expected of him since leaving high school as the nation's top QB= =20 prospect.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09Q:What role is Courtnee Garcia playing this year on the football team? I= s=20 Miguel McKay on the football team?=20 =09?? Poorun Patel, Lufkin=20 =09 =09BROWN: Courtnee Garcia fell way behind after pulling a hamstring in the= =20 pre-season. He hasn't been able to capture sizable playing time as yet. And= =20 he lost his punt return duties to Hodges Mitchell and has even fallen behin= d=20 Nathan Vasher as a backup in that role. So Garcia needs to try to convince= =20 the coaches in practice that he deserves some playing time and then make th= e=20 most of it. Otherwise, there may not be enough snaps at split end (Garcia's= =20 position) behind Roy Williams and Montrell Flowers. Miguel McKay is on the= =20 team and got playing time at defensive tackle against OU. =20 =09? =09 =09 =09Q:Since all of the big programs are operating under the same recruiting= =20 restraints, I don't think its unreasonable to expect more out of the recrui= ts=20 that Texas has. UT has had as good of a haul of recruits over the last 3-4= =20 years as any program in the country. Using the logic that has been offered = up=20 by some UT followers, we should be patient and wait until next year or the= =20 next. At that point, we will be waiting for the inexperienced defensive=20 tackles to mature ... or some other aspect of the team. I don't know where= =20 the actual difference between the dominant programs and UT is, but I would= =20 guess that it has something to do with getting "senior" performance from=20 underclassmen. Whether that is a product of the recruiting or motivation, I= =20 don't know. What do you think?=20 =09?? Kevin P. McCarthy=20 =09 =09BROWN: I think it's fair to expect a lot from this team next year with t= he=20 schedule UT has. And once Texas shows that it can crack the top 10 without= =20 losing before the end of October, and if Mack Brown can keep getting star= =20 high school recruits, the Longhorns will be expected to be in the top 10 fr= om=20 then on. So starting next year, I think it's fair to put Texas in the top 1= 0=20 and expect them to stay there all season. The UT Towers freshmen receiving= =20 corps will have a year of experience. Leonard Davis will be gone from the= =20 O-line, but Robbie Doane should be a suitable replacement, and UT will have= =20 all its running backs back except for Hodges Mitchell. The defense will los= e=20 two first-round NFL draft picks (Casey Hampton and Shaun Rogers), but Marcu= s=20 Tubbs and Stevie Lee should be suitable replacements. The senior leadership= =20 in other areas will have to make up for the loss of this year's key seniors= .=20 =09? =09 =09 =09Q:The addition of Roy Williams has helped Major Applewhite open up the= =20 offense because he is a big-play receiver. As a supporter of the Garland=20 Owls, I got to witness B.J. Johnson in a big-game situation in last year's= =20 semi-final game. He was an awesome player last year until that semi-final= =20 game. Will he be as big of a threat as Roy Williams? =20 =09?? Tyrance "Duke" Barnett, Garland, Texas=20 =09 =09BROWN: I think both of these guys will be outstanding. And more importan= tly,=20 their leadership will be needed on this offense beginning Saturday. As Mack= =20 Brown says, freshmen are only freshmen until mid-season. Then they have to = be=20 and play like upperclassmen. But Williams and Johnson will both be=20 outstanding, in my opinion.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09Q:Mack Brown should be HEAVILY criticized for his poor handling of the Q= B=20 situation. Major Applewhite has never done anything but show he is one of t= he=20 most confident, proven leaders from the QB position in the nation. In my=20 opinion, not even his injury or the fact that Chris Simms got a lot of reps= =20 in the spring warranted even a thought of him having to share time. You can= =20 say what you want, and Brown would obviously talk around this, but we would= =20 not have lost the Stanford game if Applewhite had started and played the=20 entire game. Both QBs, and the offense as a whole, have not played up to th= e=20 level they're capable of playing because of the inconsistency at QB. A QB= =20 controversy creates doubt and a lack of confidence for everyone involved. T= he=20 coaches, media and fans have fallen in love with an unproven commodity, all= =20 the while shucking aside an individual who did everything possible to prove= =20 he should be the starter. Mack Brown's job is to be above that, and it's ti= me=20 for him to take the heat. The media and fans are touching on this, but I=20 think it's time to tell it like it is with his illogical, failed and unfair= =20 experiment.=20 =09?? Jason Stone=20 =09 =09BROWN: Amen, Jason. You have spoken, and the rotation has come to an end= . At=20 least for this week.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09Q:Is there a start time for the Missouri game on Oct. 21?=20 =09??=20 =09 =09BROWN: Not yet. ABC has opted to use its 6-day window to determine which= =20 games it will televise that weekend. Right now, it's possible that the game= =20 could be at 2:30 p.m., 6 p.m. or 1 p.m. It definitely will not be at 11 a.m= .=20 Stay tuned.=20 =09 =09 =09If you received this newsletter from a friend and would like to subscrib= e,=20 sign up at: Newsletter Registration=20 =09 =09To find or change your password, modify your account, or unsubscribe fro= m=20 this newsletter, go to: Newsletter Registration =20 =09 =09Questions? Comments? Suggestions? =20 =09 =09 =09 =09©Copyright 2000 The Dallas Morning News=20 =09=09[IMAGE]=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09 [IMAGE] =09=09=09 [IMAGE] =09=09=09 [IMAGE] =09=09=09 =09=09=09