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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: hotdeals@mail.hotelresnetwork.com X-To: "HotDeals" <clone@mail.hotelresnetwork.com< X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Eric_Bass_Dec2000\Notes Folders\Discussion threads X-Origin: Bass-E X-FileName: ebass.nsf HOTEL DISCOUNTS TRAVEL NEWSLETTER [IMAGE] ?THIS WEEK'S FEATURES, November 21, 2000 [IMAGE] Hotel Special #1 New York Info: Crowne Plaza U.N. Rates from $149.95 12/17/00-12/29/00 Limited Availability BOOK ONLINE [IMAGE] Hotel Special #2 Las Vegas Info: Treasure Island Rates from $65.95 12/10/00-12/21/00, Sun-Thurs Limited Availability BOOK ONLINE [IMAGE] Hotel Special #3 Orlando Info: Hyatt Orlando Rates from $79.95 11/21/00-12/23/00 Limited Availability BOOK ONLINE Hotel Special #4 New Orleans Info: Maison Dupuy Rates from $79.95 12/10/00-12/27/00 Limited Availability BOOK ONLINE Hotel Special #5 San Francisco Info: Ramada Plaza Int'l Rates from $99.95 11/23/00-12/28/00 Limited Availability BOOK ONLINE More Hot Hotel Specials We offer hotel discounts in many other major cities worldwide. For a list of our top hotel specials in these cities. - CLICK HERE - CITY ON SALE Miami is on Sale With Rates As Low As $79.95 with its City-Of-The-Week Promotion. Travelers will find additional discounts to HRN's already reduced rates in Miami. For the list of Miami Hotel Specials and availability, click here CONDO VACATIONS FROM CONDOSAVERS.COM Condosavers.com offers outstanding values up to 70% off vacation rentals, condominiums, villas and private homes in many of the most popular destinations including Continental USA, Hawaii, the Caribbean and more. For a list of Hot Condo Vacation Specials and to check availability, click here REBATE UP TO $100! Book 3 nights or more and get up to $100 cashback. For further details, click here EARN COMMISSION! PARTNER WITH HRN! If you have a website and are interested in earning big commissions (some earn more than $60,000 per month) and becoming an affiliate of Hotel Reservations Network, click here INTERESTED IN HIGHER OCCUPANCY AT YOUR HOTEL? More than 100,000 people view HRN's website everyday! Now you can join our fantastic service at NO COST to your hotel. For details, email Andy Pells at apells@hoteldiscounts.com or - click here - ADVERTISE WITH HRN Advertising is available on it's two websites, hoteldiscounts.com and 180096hotel.com! HRN will also take bids for what is the most targeted position of all on the bottom of every hotel confirmation email as reservation has been made. Please contact Michael Stover at mstover@hoteldiscounts.com THIS WEEK'S ADVERTISERS TRAVEL AUCTION - Get ready to bid! Vacation Packages are now available for auction from categories such as Adventure, Beaches, Cruises, Family Fun and much more. - click here - GLOBALTRAVEL.COM - Slash Your Travel Costs - Travel As a Travel Agent! Enjoy up to 50% Travel Savings, Upgrades and Commissions! Visit www.GlobalTravel.com or call us today at 800-526-8780. You'll never pay full fare for travel again. Give code "HRN" when you join to receive an extra $500 in travel savings coupons! - click here - CITYSEARCH.COM - For happenings and activities in Miami - click here - THIS WEEK'S UNIQUE READER'S TIP Have a travel tip? Send your best tips regarding any travel advice, travel experience or other travel-related stuff to tips@180096hotel.com SUBSCRIBE AND UNSUBSCRIBE To Subscribe to the Hot Deals Travel Newsletter, send a message to join-hotdeals@mail.hotelresnetwork.com If you want to unsubscribe please see the footer at the bottom of this page. DISCLAIMER Although every effort is made to ensure accurate information, HRN is not responsible for any errors in this newsletter. --- You are currently subscribed to clone as: ebass@ENRON.COM To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-clone-118898K@mail.hotelresnetwork.com