Enron Mail

Subject:20+ different energy & finance courses (beginners to advanced) in
Date:Tue, 29 Jan 2002 04:45:00 -0800 (PST)

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Eric Bass:

The Energy Business School
will be holding 20+ courses
on electric power, natural gas,
energy trading, real options,
energy contracting, & other related topics
in the following cities:

Pasadena CA Feb 12 - 15, 2002

Houston Mar 5 - 15
Ft Lauderdale Mar 18 - 22
Calgary AB Apr 8 - 16
Sacramento May 6 - 8
San Francisco May 13 - 14
Manhattan NY May 21 - 22

Houston Jun 10 - 13
Denver Jun 17 - 25
Boston Jul 17 - 19
Concord/Lexington MA Jul 22 - 23
Wenatchee WA Aug 13 - 16
Seattle Aug 19 - 20, 2002

The attached Acrobat pdf file outlines in detail the
2-track course schedule for each city and the agenda
for the offered 1-day and 1/2-day courses.

If the pdf file is not attached, just type "send" in the subject heading
and then hit "reply" - otherwise call us at 713-680-2500 for info.

Note: the $100/day discount for government entities
or $50/course referral bonus credits for all others
which can be accumulated over 5 years!

??.IN-HOUSE sessions with as few as 3 to 5 students
(see details in pdf file on front page)

(beginning to intermediate level in-depth courses)

PWR-201-Electric Power Operations & Economics:
Generation, Transmission, Distribution, & Consumption
full day (US$495 / $395 govt)

PWR-202-Electric Power Trading, Transmission Markets,
Bilateral Trading Practices, & Pool Practices
full day (US$495 / $395 govt)

NGX-201-Natural Gas Industry Basics:
Production, Markets, Transportation, Storage,
Physical Trades, & Contracting
full day (US$495 / $395 govt)

NGX-202-Natural Gas Industry Basics:
Trading & Hedging With Futures, Swaps,
Options, and Pricing Structures
full day (US$495 / $395 govt)

(beginning to intermediate level in-depth courses)

ETR-201-Using Energy Forwards, Futures, Options, & Swaps
To Buy, Sell, Arbitrage, or Hedge:
Power, Natural Gas, Coal, Fuel Oils, & Location Basis
full day (US$495 / $395 govt)

ETR-202-Basis Trading & Hedging,
Seasonality, Storage & Pricing Structures
1/2-day (US$295 / $245 govt)

ETR-207-Intro To Option Pricing, Statistics & Correlation,
The Greeks, Black & Other Models, Exotic &
Spread Options, & Asset Optionality
1/2-day (US$345 / $295 govt)

ETR-208-Intro To Option Trading Structures,
Dealer Market-Making, And
Delta & Gamma Neutral Hedging
1/2-day (US$345 / $295 govt)

ETR-209-Intro To Monte Carlo Analysis
(Using Crystal Ball
& @Risk
) And
Intro To VaR (Value at Risk)
1/2-day (US$345 / $295 govt)

ETR-211-Intro To Natural Gas Seasonal Storage
Strategies & Risk Optimization
(Using Crystal Ball
& @Risk
1/2-day (US$395 / $345 govt)

We think one or more of these courses or others not listed
can benefit you and your organization's operations.
Please consider attending, or

passing on this information
to a colleague that could benefit.
We will book your referral credits for 5 years.

We also can come to your offices
for an IN-HOUSE session
that can be customized to your needs.
This only requires 3 to 5 students, see brochure.

Give us a call at 713-680-2500 or respond by email
to discuss course content and how it may fit with your needs,
or any other issues.

If we have sent this client notice to you in error,
or if you will never have an interest in these notices,
please reply to this email with the word "NEVER" in the subject,
and we will make it so.

Best regards,
Bill Ware
Energy Business, VP

attachment: pdf file with course agendas, schedule, & registration form