Enron Mail

Subject:The Washington Times National Weekly Edition
Date:Tue, 5 Feb 2002 12:06:10 -0800 (PST)

Dear Americans,

When I send out a breaking news update from
MillionsofAmericans.com many people write back to me
thanking me for the information and asking me about my
sources. Like Rush Limbaugh, many times, I refer to the
Washington Times often.

I find The Washington Times National Weekly Edition
to be well written and right on top of the issues.
In fact, The Times has repeatedly scooped all other
news sources on major national issues like the Clinton
scandals. Perhaps more important, The Washington
Times National Weekly Edition reports stories the
liberal news media intentionally ignores because it
does not fit their version of the news.

If you want to stay truly informed and get the facts about
what's really happening in the world, I strongly suggest
that you read The Washington Times National Weekly Edition.
I could not do without The Times to combat the liberalism of
the Washington Post. Now there's a way that you too can have
what I do -- by reading the Washington Times National Weekly

If you are interested in reading The Times like Rush and I
do, please go to the link below.


<A href = http://database.townhall.com/washtimes/subscribe3995.shtml <AOL Users Click here</A<

This link lets you receive 52 issues of The Washington
Times National Weekly Edition for one year at their best rate avaliable: $39.95. They've also agreed to send a copy of "Capital Contacts", a 250 page spiral bound book with the names, addresses, phone numbers, individual
photos, and email addresses of all of your Congressmen, Senators and Governors. It's FREE with your paid subscription.

It's a great deal.

There are many good conservative publications, but The
Washington Times National Weekly Edition is great if you want
to be really "in the loop", and without a liberal bias.

If you try it, I'm sure you will agree.

For America,

Bruce Eberle

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