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< < Regardless of Your Political Views < < << < < << < < << This is a small, but true story to give you an idea of the < < <<kind of man < < << and the kind of woman we have in the White House right now. < < << As you may know, the President and Mrs. Bush visited the < < <<Washington < < << Burn Center on Friday 14 September. Among those they visited < < <<was LTC < < << Brian Birdwell, who was badly burned in the Pentagon attack. < < <<Mrs. Bush < < << went into Brian's room, spoke to him for about a minute, all < < <<the time < < <<as < < << if they had been life-long acquaintances. < < << She then turned to Brian's wife Mel, who at this time had been < < <<at the < < << hospital for probably 2 1/2 days, and apparently, according to < < <<Mel < < << herself, was dirty, grimy and had blood on her shirt. Mrs.Bush < < <<hugged < < << Mel for what Mel said seemed like an eternity, just as if Mel < < <<were one < < << of her closest family members. < < << Mrs. Bush then told Brian and Mel that there was "someone" < < <<there < < << to see < < << him. The President then walked in, stood by Brian's bedside, < < <<asked < < << Brian how he was doing, told him that he was very proud of < < <<them both < < << and that they were his heroes. The President then saluted < < <<Brian. Now, < < << at this point in time, Brian is bandaged up pretty well. His < < <<hands are < < << burned very badly as well as the back of him from the head < < <<down. < < << His movements were very restricted. Upon seeing the President < < <<saluting < < << him, Brian began to slowly return the salute, taking, from the < < <<accounts < < << so far, about 15-20 seconds to get his hand up to his head. < < <<During all < < << of this, 15-20 seconds, President Bush never moved, never < < <<dropped his < < << salute. The President dropped his salute only when Brian was < < <<finished < < << with his, and then gave Mel a huge hug for what also probably < < <<seemed < < << like an eternity. < < << As a note to those of you who might not be familiar with < < <<military < < << protocol, the subordinate normally initiates a salute and will < < <<hold it < < << until the superior officer returns the salute. In the above < < <<incident, < < << President Bush acted in the role of the subordinate to show < < <<his < < <<respect < < << and high regard for the injured man. < < << No further comments. Pray for our leadership. Thank God for < < << what we < < << are, have, and will be. < < << Major Carl "Ferris" Buhler, USAF < < << Air Force Executive Issues Team < < < < < < < < < <