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---------------------- Forwarded by Eric Bass/HOU/ECT on 09/05/2000 02:56 PM
--------------------------- "Larry W. Bass" <lwbthemarine@bigplanet.com< on 09/05/2000 01:42:17 PM To: jason <jason.bass2@compaq.com< cc: eric preston bass <Eric.Bass@enron.com< Subject: Fw: How to impress a client. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Frank Marsters" <marstersco@earthlink.net< To: "Russ Mathews" <revmathews@aol.com<; "Rocky Lane" <rlane@pdq.net<; "Harris, Mary S." <mharris-hudson@WCITX.COM<; "dholley" <dholley@mail.ev1.net<; "Day, Pam" <pkjday@yahoo.com<; "Bass, Larry" <lwbthemarine@bigplanet.com<; "Balch, Dell" <dellbalch@hotmail.com<; "Adams, George" <geoins@flash.net< Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 1:20 PM Subject: Fw: How to impress a client. < < ----- Original Message ----- < From: fred williams <pilgrim@gvec.net< < To: frank marsters <marstersco@earthlink.net<; mike williams < <mwwilliams@tomball.isd.esc4.net< < Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 8:20 PM < Subject: FW: How to impress a client. < < < < < < < < -----Original Message----- < < From: Calvin Waller [mailto:candk@gvec.net] < < Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 7:27 PM < < To: Fred Williams < < Subject: Fw: How to impress a client. < < < < < < < < -----Original Message----- < < From: BONNIE VERNOR <vernorb@gvec.net< < < To: kathy waller <candk@gvec.net< < < Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 2:20 PM < < Subject: Fw: How to impress a client. < < < < < < < < < <----- Original Message ----- < < <From: "Ross Smith" <smith856@intergate.com< < < <To: "Bonnie Vernor" <vernorb@gvec.net<; "Cindy Smith" < < <<constmst@intergate.com<; "Crockett TM (Trudy)" <crocketm@ucarb.com<; < "Don < < <Cotter" <donone@wt.net<; "John Phillips" <jpandjp@gateway.net<; "Kristie < < <Boudreaux" <krisboo@prodigy.net<; "Wes Risinger" <risinger@pdq.net< < < <Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 11:43 AM < < <Subject: How to impress a client. < < < < < < < < << Subject: Fw: How To Impress a Client < < << < < < < < << < < < < < << < < < < < << < < < I was in the VIP lounge last week en route to Seattle. Whilst in < < << the < < << < < < lounge, I noticed Bill Gates sitting on the chesterfield < enjoying < < << a < < << < < < cognac. I was meeting with a very important client who was also < < << < flying < < << < to < < << < < < Seattle with me but she was running a bit late. Being a forward < < << type < < << < of < < << < < < guy, I approached Mr. Gates and introduced myself. I explained < to < < << him < < << < < that < < << < < I < < << < < < was conducting some very important business and how I would < < << < appreciate < < << < it < < << < < < if he could throw a quick "Hello Chris" at me when I was with < my < < << < < << < client. < < << < < < He agreed. Ten minutes later while I was conversing with my < < << client, I < < << < < < felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Bill Gates. I turned around < and < < << < < << < looked < < << < < < up at him. He said, "Hi Chris, what's happening?" To which I < < << replied < < << < < < "Fuck off Gates, I'm in a meeting" < < << < < < < < < < <