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M=20 --------------------------- "Inside UT Football"=20 <InsideUTFootball@dallasnews.com<@newsletters.dallasnews.com on 10/05/2000= =20 12:15:01 AM Please respond to "Inside UT Football" <InsideUTFootball@dallasnews.com< Sent by: newsletters@newsletters.dallasnews.com To: "Inside UT Football Subscribers"=20 <InsideUTFootball@newsletters.dallasnews.com< cc: =20 Subject: Inside UT Football: October 5, 2000 [IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] =20 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE] =09 =09 =09OU rivalry is red-hot this year=20 =09=20 =09Oct. 5, 2000=20 =09=20 =09 =09[IMAGE]Chip Brown, The Dallas Morning News' Texas writer, answers your= =20 questions about the offense, Oklahoma, halo penalties and much more.=20 =09 =09=20 =09E-mail questions to Chip: chipbrown@dallasnews.com=20 =09 =09 =09=20 =09Listen to Chip Brown talk about the Longhorns on =09dallasnews.com's Colleges site=20 =09 =09 =09 =09CHIP SHOTS=20 =09=20 =09 =09After listening to Oklahoma coach Bob Stoops' news conference on Tuesday= ,=20 here are some selected quotes I thought readers might find interesting.=20 =09 =09 On the season so far and how the team has changed from last year:=20 =09 =09 "We're excited about the position we're in being 4-0, and we're a confi= dent=20 team going down to Dallas. We are more mature. We understand more. We play= =20 harder and are better conditioned and stronger than a year ago."=20 =09 =09 On having four turnovers in last year's game with UT:=20 =09 =09 "Turnovers were a major factor. We had two interceptions that hit us ri= ght=20 in the chest and we drop. Both of those interceptions led to scores for=20 them."=20 =09 =09 On UT's quarterback rotation:=20 =09 =09 "I don't bother to speculate why they do something or not. They run the= same=20 offense with both (Major) Applewhite and (Chris) Simms. I'm sure we'll see = a=20 good part of Applewhite. I know who our starting quarterback will be, and= =20 he'll be in there the whole go unless something happens."=20 =09 =09 On OU's running game:=20 =09 =09 "I hope our running game is a factor in this game. We're quite a bit mo= re=20 confident in our running game because we've emphasized it."=20 =09 =09 On going up, 17-0, in the first quarter and then losing last year's gam= e,=20 38-28:=20 =09 =09 "We set the tone early last year and didn't finish the tone. There's no= =20 protecting a lead for three quarters. And Major Applewhite made some throws= ,=20 you watch on film, that you can't believe."=20 =09 =09 On OU having lost three straight to Texas:=20 =09 =09 "We get e-mails and letters. We know what the situation is, and we need= to=20 win." =20 =09 =09 =09 =09=20 =09Longhorn Q & A=20 =09 Q: I heard rumors that the Royal-Memorial Stadium will one day be the = =20 largest stadium in terms of seating capacity in the country, seating some = =20 114,000 folks. What's the chance of this happening in the near term? =20 =09 ?? Waxer, Dallas=20 =09 =09 BROWN: Well, former UT regent Tom Hicks (owner of the Dallas Stars and= =20 Texas Rangers) wants it done and is willing to help pay for it, so there is= a=20 good chance some movement on this could happen in the next few years. UT=20 would start by expanding and closing in the north end of Royal-Memorial. Th= en=20 the focus would turn to the south end.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE]=20 =09Kalen Thornton =20 =09 =09Q: What happened to Adam Doiron?=20 =09?? Morris W. Collie, Houston=20 =09 =09 BROWN: Adam Doiron was initially projected by UT defensive coordinator= Carl=20 Reese to be the top defensive end of the freshman class. He thought Doiron= =20 would be the best run stopper of the bunch, and since that's an area Texas= =20 wants to improve, Reese figured Doiron might play early on. But DE Kalen=20 Thornton moved ahead of Doiron during the pre-season, and now Reese is=20 considering redshirting Doiron. Doiron recently started working at defensiv= e=20 tackle, and if any more players go down at that position, Doiron could see= =20 playing time. The coaches like him, but might want to build for the future = by=20 holding him out this season.=20 =09 =09? =09 =09 =09 Q: I was very happy to see some positive things from our offense in the= =20 second half, especially the running of Kenny Hayter, but I have a question= =20 about the punt team.=20 =09 =09It's obvious that opposing teams' philosophy is to not call "fair catch= ." I=20 first noticed this against Nebraska last year. And I certainly think that= =20 making an early tackle by invading the "halo" and receiving a 5-yard penal= ty=20 is much better than sitting back and possibly allowing a big return. =09 =09But if we're going to get the penalty, why not lay our ears back and po= p the=20 receiver in the mouth whether he's caught the ball or not? A big hit would= =20 make that penalty a little easier to swallow, don't you think?=20 =09?? Cody Anderson, Houston, Texas=20 =09 =09 BROWN: No question about it. First, you want to try to avoid getting t= he=20 penalty. But if you are going to get the penalty, then get your money's wor= th=20 and give that returner something to remember for next time.=20 =09 =09I hate this rule. Colorado coach Gary Barnett went so far as to say that= =20 against a team with great returners, such as Kansas State, who has David=20 Allen, it's better to violate the halo rule and tackle these guys, take the= =20 5-yard penalty and keep them from breaking one 60 or 70 yards for a score.= =20 =09? =09 =09 =09 Q: It seems like I've been waiting forever for the offensive line to cl= ick.=20 Did something come together finally or have I not been paying attention? (I= =20 am out of state and am limited to TV and had to miss one game.)=20 =09?? Jerry Secrets=20 =09 =09 BROWN: No, things did click in the second half of the Oklahoma State g= ame.=20 The running game used a gap-blocking scheme that focuses more on blocking= =20 angles than individual players. On running plays, the guard opposite the pl= ay=20 side was pulling and creating some room for cutbacks. Mack Brown said the= =20 team had used the gap scheme in the past and it just didn't work. But last= =20 Saturday, it did.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09 Q: Will Sean Rogers play on Saturday?=20 =09?? Rick Bush, Dallas=20 =09 =09 BROWN: I think it's doubtful. Rogers didn't practice Tuesday and was s= till=20 seen with his walking boot on to protect his sprained ankle. But I'm sure h= e=20 and the coaches will evaluate his status right up until game time. Those hi= gh=20 ankle sprains can be a nightmare if they don't heal properly, however. No o= ne=20 wants to rush him back and then lose him for the season because his return= =20 was premature.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE]=20 =09Josh Heupel =20 =09 =09Q: OU has a great passing attack. Do you feel that Texas' young secondar= y can=20 answer the call? =20 =09 ?? Marty Wagner=20 =09 =09 BROWN: This is the battle of the game, in my opinion: OU's receivers v= s.=20 UT's secondary. If OU quarterback Josh Heupel goes unpressured, the UT=20 secondary might need therapy after this game. But Rod =20 =09 =09Babers and Quentin Jammer have made progress each game. If Lee Jackson i= s=20 back, he'll play strong safety, and Greg Brown would move from SS back to= =20 free safety. That means Dakarai Pearson goes back to the nickel back, which= =20 in this game, is good news for UT. You need Pearson in the game as much as= =20 possible. In my opinion, he breaks on the ball better than most of UT's=20 D-backs.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09 Q: How do you see the Texas-Oklahoma game shaping up? What will be the = keys?=20 =09?? Sara Wilson=20 =09 =09 BROWN: I think the offenses are equal, so it will come down to who pla= ys=20 the best defense. I think Texas has the better defense, even without Shaun= =20 Rogers. So I see Texas winning, 24-20. Turnovers will change the complexion= =20 of the game, of course. But I think UT is catching OU at the right time aft= er=20 picking up some much-needed confidence on offense against Oklahoma State.= =20 =09? =09 =09 =09 Q: Now that the quarterback experiment SHOULD be officially over at Tex= as,=20 do you expect Major Applewhite to start and play the entire game against OU= ?=20 Also (looking ahead to next year because this year it is no longer an issue= ),=20 do you think Major Applewhite would be a legitimate Heisman Trophy candidat= e=20 IF he were to start every game and take 90 percent of the snaps?=20 =09 =09My two cents ... I think the Texas coaches better start treating Major= =20 Applewhite like one of the best college quarterbacks in the country, which = he=20 obviously is, and start treating Chris Simms like the second-best quarterba= ck=20 at the University of Texas, which he might be. (I say might because I haven= 't=20 seen Chance Mock play in a game. He might be better than Simms.)=20 =09 ?? Clint Mickey=20 =09 =09 BROWN: Major Applewhite will start against Oklahoma (based on repetiti= ons=20 with the first team in practice this week) and I would be shocked if he=20 doesn't play most or all of this game. In fact, I think Major will play mos= t=20 or all of the next two games.=20 =09 =09If UT beats OU, the Colorado game will be one of those nightmare games= =20 because UT will be fighting a letdown and the Buffaloes will probably still= =20 be winless (the Bufs play at A=02?this week). So, these next two games are= all=20 about experience. But I think Simms will be back in action when UT takes on= =20 Missouri on Oct. 21 because the coaches are sticking with the notion of=20 having two starting quarterbacks.=20 =09 =09I think Applewhite would be a Heisman Trophy candidate this season if he= had=20 been the lone starter. It's just impossible to think of yourself as the bes= t=20 player in the nation, I would think, when your coaches don't think you're t= he=20 best QB on your own team.=20 =09 =09As far as next year, you would have to think the coaches are going to=20 continue this rotation because they have not backed off of it much this=20 season. We'll see. Mock is still two years away unless Applewhite or Simms= =20 gets injured.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE]=20 =09Major Applewhite =20 =09 =09Q: It's become obvious to everyone outside MackWorld that Major Applewhi= te=20 has established himself as the one and only starting quarterback at Texas. = It=20 has become ridiculous to call both quarterbacks "starters" and insist on=20 token starts for Chris Simms.=20 =09 =09It seems to me it would be less demeaning to Simms to name Applewhite as= THE=20 starter and bring Simms in for quality playing time during the game instead= =20 of allowing him two series, then yanking him in favor of the REAL starter w= ho=20 then plays the rest of the game. The current charade hasn't fooled anyone. = As=20 fine as Simms' =20 =09 =09talent appears to be, this is Major's team. Any comments? =20 =09?? Rowell Rogers, Denton=20 =09 =09 BROWN: I talked to Major one-on-one on Monday, and he said he didn't= =20 realize how much confidence he had lost this season until he got the infusi= on=20 of confidence by leading Texas on five straight scoring drives of the secon= d=20 half against Oklahoma State. If the coaches are insistent about this=20 rotation, it will be interesting to see if Applewhite can continue to=20 maintain or build on the confidence he seized in the OSU game. =20 =09? =09 =09 =09 Q: What is happening with special teams? I know they have had some rece= nt=20 success after missed tackles and have improved, but what I cannot understan= d=20 is why the opposing team can get so close to Kris Stockton and UT, with=20 superior recruiting and athletes, can not even get close. This has really= =20 hurt us. How is our blocking so different? Why does this problem persist? = =20 =09?? Chad Dieterichs=20 =09 =09 BROWN: It sure appears to me that the players on the line are giving w= ay=20 too much ground after the snap. Almost every punt this season has been a=20 matter of, can Stockton get the punt off before the opposing team collapses= =20 onto Stockton's pocket?=20 =09 =09Mack Brown gets very upset with questions about the punt team. He says t= hat=20 they use the same formation that every NFL team uses and that special teams= =20 are prone to breakdowns because there aren't enough scholarships to recruit= =20 special teams players. And he says young players have to be used because=20 veterans get tired playing offense and defense.=20 =09 =09I asked Mack if he thought that members of the punt team were starting t= o=20 have a mental block, now that two punts have been blocked this season. He= =20 said he didn't know. He said the latest punt block against Oklahoma State w= as=20 the result of OSU players twisting and a UT player failing to pick up the= =20 assignment. At least this time, the punt blocker didn't run untouched throu= gh=20 the middle of the line.=20 =09? =09 =09 Q: I think people get too caught up in what's happening right now to re= alize=20 what this team will be in a year or two. All we've heard about is how=20 wonderful Mack's recruiting has been and how loaded we are, yet how the=20 O-line is less than impressive and how the QB situation is hurting us.=20 =09 =09Guess what? Most of these "great" players are only 18. Remember Ricky as= a=20 freshman? Didn't think so. Think about how solid we will be in two years wi= th=20 current players and the new recruits coming in. So if we lose another game = or=20 two this season and end up in the Poulan Weed Eater Independence Bowl, no= =20 biggie.=20 =09 =09In a year or two, we'll be right in there. So here's my question. What w= ill=20 it take for Texas to be consistently rated up there with the great college= =20 programs? Right now, as a friend of mine would say, we have a good team and= =20 we're building a good program. It seems that Texas is heading in that=20 direction, but we have a little way yet to go. What does Texas need to be a= =20 true Top 10 team? Is it personnel-based or is it about chemistry? =20 =09?? Alex Kephart, Dallas=20 =09 =09 BROWN: I think it has to do with chemistry and experience at this poin= t.=20 The talent is there. Mack Brown is recruiting winners. But each of the line= s=20 has to have experience, and there have to be some "Braveheart"-type leaders= =20 on the team.=20 =09 =09Right now, the offensive line is still growing, even though it has two= =20 seniors. The defensive line has great senior tackles, but the ends are raw.= =20 So the defensive line probably won't be great again after this year for a= =20 couple years, if you believe that you need senior lines to win a national= =20 championship.=20 =09 =09But I agree with you. Texas has all the makings of being a powerhouse in= stead=20 of just a good team in the next two to three years. Everyone will put the= =20 Longhorns back up in the Top 5 next year because of their schedule. But Tex= as=20 will be a veteran team with great depth in the next two to three years.=20 =09 =09Right now, Texas and its fans and even the media have been guilty (me=20 included) of holding Texas to the same standard as Nebaraska and Florida=20 State. But that's probably not fair just yet. The stud players Brown is=20 recruiting need time to settle into the system and get some experience. In= =20 the next couple years, Texas will justifiably be held to the same standard = as=20 the perennial powers.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09 Q: : I have two questions for you Chip: A) Does The University still ha= ve=20 the longest scoring streak in NCAA football? B) If I find myself looking at= =20 NEXT year's schedule after a payback loss at Stanford, do I need profession= al=20 help? (P.S. You may also want to remind your readers we should NEVER feel= =20 guilty about running up the score against U of H.)=20 =09?? Arland Bishop=20 =09 =09 BROWN: Texas has scored in a Big 12-record 231 straight games, dating = back=20 to a 16-0 loss at Baylor in 1980. That is the second-longest active streak = in=20 the nation. BYU holds the longest scoring streak: 318 games.=20 =09 =09Next year's schedule is even more appetizing than this year's schedule. = The=20 only non-conference road game is at Houston. The non-conference home games= =20 are New Mexico State and North Carolina. And the Big 12 schedule has Colora= do=20 in Austin. UT will have Oklahoma in Dallas (as usual) and Texas A=02?at Kyl= e=20 Field.=20 =09 =09So, no, you don't need therapy. If anything, next year's schedule should= be=20 another reason to have patience with this year's team. Good times are=20 obviously on the horizon.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09 Q: I know the subject has been worn into the ground, but I haven't hear= d=20 this view from anyone so ... In the mid-'90s Florida State was struggling= =20 early in the season with a young, talented QB named Charlie Ward (of course= ).=20 They were winning the early games against less-talented teams, but just=20 barely. Then, they finally put Ward in the shotgun on virtually every down= =20 and let him do his magic.=20 =09 =09It was like night and day. Basically, what they did was abandon their m= ore=20 balanced attack and did what their talent dictated they could do - pass ear= ly=20 and often. The run was still used, but it was more to complement the pass.= =20 =09 =09I know UT is not in the exact situation, but this may make sense for the= m.=20 The only time I thought the UT offense looked really good this year was rig= ht=20 when Major Applewhite first came in against Louisiana-Lafayette and drove= =20 straight down the field. And, Major took almost every snap in the shotgun (= at=20 least the first drive). I know it was against an inferior opponent that was= =20 probably taken by surprise, but they showed more on those drives with Major= =20 in the first and second quarter than they have the rest of the season (so= =20 far).=20 =09 =09I believe you CAN win in college football with an unbalanced attack. FSU= has=20 done it with primarily passing, and I can't begin to name all the OU and=20 Nebraska-type teams that have won conference/national titles with=20 one-dimensional offenses. Also, the shotgun helps Major's biggest liability= -=20 his mobility. Personally, I don't care which QB is used this season - in th= e=20 shotgun or not, but I really wish Mack Brown would just choose one and stic= k=20 with him. =20 =09?? Aaron Ruhnow=20 =09 =09 BROWN: I think you will continue to see the shotgun used only in speci= fic=20 situations. The Texas coaches are too committed to being a balanced offense= =20 that can run out of multiple sets. I do like the shotgun. The Buffalo Bills= =20 used it all the time while they were going to all those Super Bowls. You ca= n=20 do a lot with it. But it probably won't become a fixture in Austin.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09 Q: Do you think that the pressure and expectations of Texas fans are go= ing=20 to be too much for Mack Brown to handle? It appears he is already crumbling= .=20 If he thinks people are hammering him now, what will it be like if he drops= =20 this year's game to A=02?and suffers four losses?=20 =09?? Mike McDonald=20 =09 =09 BROWN: : I hope it won't be too much for Mack Brown. He's a good perso= n and=20 works really hard. I think he needs to just let some of this stuff wash ove= r=20 him and forget about it. I think he has gotten into a rut lately where he= =20 senses that every question has negative overtones. So now he is answering= =20 every question by acknowledging his critics with some kind of remark.=20 =09 =09He has done more for Texas than UT will ever know. He has reshaped the= =20 mindset of the university with the positive outlook he has brought to the= =20 football team. Games are selling out. Players are coming to Austin. The kid= s,=20 for the most part, are good kids.=20 =09 =09There's no need for Mack to draw a line in the sand and allow a few nega= tive=20 voices to bring him down or cast a shadow over all the progress he has made= .=20 If he moves on, the media and the critics will move on, too. If he harps on= =20 criticism and keeps bringing it up in his answers, the media has no=20 alternative but to report it. It becomes a wicked circle.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09 Q: David Aaron was a receiver that came out of Marshall a few years bac= k. I=20 know he also went to UT for track but he was a great receiver in high schoo= l.=20 I saw him on the sidelines a few times but he never got much playing time. = I=20 was thinking he should be a senior this year. Do you know what ever happene= d=20 to him?=20 =09?? Jeff, Marshall, Texas=20 =09 =09 BROWN: Aaron is just running track this year. He has left the football= =20 team.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09 Q: Is it just me , or does the football field look a little bit torn up= ? It=20 just looks really dry and during the game a lot of turf gets thrown up.=20 =09?? Mark V.=20 =09 =09 BROWN: UT officials say it's the drought and the fact that the UT team= =20 practices on the field on Thursdays. But, I agree. I think the field looks= =20 worse this season than it did last season (and we had a drought and the tea= m=20 practiced on it last year, too).=20 =09? =09 =09 =09 Q: What is up with all the negative press that Mack Brown and the Horns= have=20 been getting lately? From exercising their right to buy out of the Hawaii= =20 game to losing their chance at a national title to running up the score in= =20 the U of H game, and finally, to wanting the U of H game moved from a high= =20 school stadium to a real college stadium where real fans can see a football= =20 game. =09 =09I'm not sure about Dallas, but here in Houston Mack and Co. have been ge= tting=20 drilled for everything I listed above and more (QB rotation). It just seems= =20 like everyone in the media, and even some our own fans, want to find=20 something negative to heap on the program. =09 =09In my opinion, Mack and the rest of the team do not deserve this. Mack, = his=20 coaches and the players have been nothing short of genuine and up-front wit= h=20 the media and the public. They have expressed confidence, but never boasted= =20 about their greatness. In fact, they have been the epitome of humility. Do= =20 you have any thoughts as to why this is occurring? Hook 'em. =20 =09?? Marty Murray, Class of '82, Baytown, Texas=20 =09 =09 BROWN: It does seem to be a ridiculous truth that when we build someth= ing=20 up, we inevitably end up tearing it down. Maybe the sense is that the=20 storybook season of 1998 and the victory over Nebraska last year built up t= oo=20 big of expectations. The three losses at the end of last year did nothing t= o=20 burst the bubble and then when UT comes out flat this year, everyone=20 re-evaluated and said, "Wait, they really aren't that good." =09 =09Mack Brown had been telling people to reduce their expectations. But whe= n the=20 star falls, people want to be the first to say it's falling. Then, they wan= t=20 to add their own wrinkle as to why it's falling. So people look for cracks = in=20 the foundation to bring up.=20 =09 =09It's like in political campaigns. The media tends to build up a candidat= e and=20 then when the first negative story comes out, they re-evaluate, and if some= =20 bad trends continue, that candidate gets torn to shreds. It all feeds on=20 itself. But inevitably there is a settling period. =09 =09I think the people who are quick to say that Texas isn't as good as we= =20 believed will calm down and there will be another story to cover. Plus, Tex= as=20 may get hot, win all of its games, and then this brief bout of criticism wi= ll=20 have been for naught. But sometimes criticism can be good for a coach and h= is=20 team. He can use it as bulletin board material to get the team going. We'll= =20 see how Mack Brown and the vocal minority of critics handle things from=20 here. =20 =09? =09 =09 =09 Q: Do you think Chris Simms would have benefited from a redshirt year? = I=20 realize we were thin at quarterback last year and it was probably not an=20 option, but I look back at Major Applewhite and it appears to me he benefit= ed=20 from a redshirt year in which his only responsibility was to learn the=20 system. When he came in as a redshirt freshman, he was ready to go. Thanks= =20 for your insightful newsletter. =20 =09?? Michael R. Johnson, Houston, Texas =20 =09 =09 BROWN: Sure, I think most players benefit from a redshirt year unless = they=20 are Michael Vick. There was no way a redshirt season was going to happen fo= r=20 Simms, however. Simms wants to spend just four years in college, and UT=20 coaches needed a backup for Applewhite. There is no question Applewhite=20 benefited from his redshirt season.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09 Q: I'm really sick of all this negative stuff from a vocal minority of= =20 fair-weather fans. They sound like a bunch of whining Aggies.=20 =09 =09Having said that, I still can't help but wonder if we don't have a probl= em=20 with our offensive line coach. According to the UT media guide, Coach Tim= =20 Nunez has had very little experience as an offensive line coach prior to=20 coming here. He didn't play that position either. There is no track record = of=20 having actually developed a line, since he inherited experienced lines at= =20 both Marshall and UT.=20 =09 =09This group clearly hasn't improved, even though it was a major source of= =20 concern after last season. Nunez may be a fine coach and a great recruiter,= =20 but does anyone think that he is one of the top O-line coaches in the=20 country? Is he the one who we want developing the fine group of incoming li= ne=20 recruits we have committed for next year?=20 =09 =09 BROWN: Patience. Don't fire a coach before it gets to mid-season. If t= he=20 offensive line doesn't show any progress by the end of the year, then it's= =20 time to talk about whether coaches have done their jobs. Nunez was coaching= =20 this line when it beat Nebraska last year, so let's give him some time to= =20 work with these guys.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09 Q: What's the scoop on playing UH at Robertson Stadium next year? Can T= exas=20 (a la Hawaii) threaten to cancel the game with Houston unless it is played = in=20 the Astrodome or Rice Stadium? Also, how can either school afford to give u= p=20 the lost revenue that would result from a Robertson Stadium game, even if= =20 they do put in an extra 10,000 temporary seats?=20 =09?? Chris Barbee, El Campo, Texas =20 =09 =09 BROWN: This is a price Texas will pay for trying to rekindle some semb= lance=20 of an old Southwest Conference matchup. After UT canceled the Hawaii game, = I=20 doubt they will actively seek to change next year's schedule. It will be an= =20 intimate setting, shall we say.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09 Q: I live in Odessa and I use to see Roy Williams do punt returns. Why = not=20 let him return some punts?=20 =09 =09 BROWN: Mack Brown doesn't like to put freshmen back on punt returns un= til=20 at least mid-season. After mid-season, he argues that freshmen aren't=20 freshmen anymore. So, perhaps after mid-season, if UT is not making any=20 progress on punt returns, we'll see some new faces back there. I would love= =20 to see what Williams can do, although I doubt that coaches would put him ba= ck=20 there. And I would really like to see Nathan Vasher back there. Heck, I wou= ld=20 like to see Nathan Vasher everywhere. From what I have seen, the kid is=20 fearless with tons of confidence. We'll see.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09 Q: Before the UT/Oklahoma State game, I thought that Mack Brown would s= tart=20 shuffling the quarterbacks less often - giving them a quarter or two instea= d=20 of two or three series each - in order to begin to establish some sort of= =20 consistency. (In your Sept. 25 column, you also said this should happen.) I= n=20 the game, Chris Simms started, but was pulled early after an interception,= =20 and Applewhite played until well into the fourth quarter. The TV announcers= =20 even wondered aloud if Simms was hurt in some way, since he didn't get back= =20 in until late in the game.=20 =09 =09My question is: Was this a message to Simms in some way, due to his poor= =20 early performance? Or was this somewhat scripted in advance in order to giv= e=20 Applewhite the reigns? It certainly appears that the coaches have more=20 confidence in Applewhite based on the situations they put him in. =20 =09?? Rick Highfill. Naperville, Ill.=20 =09 =09 BROWN: I sincerely think that the coaches have been trying to give Sim= ms=20 every chance to thrive and possibly win the job. After four games, it's cle= ar=20 he hasn't won the job outright. Now, coaches have to decide if this rotatio= n=20 is really the best thing for the team and its leadership. I think they will= =20 rely more on Applewhite in the next two games and thus kind of disprove the= ir=20 own theories about having two starters.=20 =09 =09The hard part about the public relations in this situation is that once = you=20 say you have two starters, it's a real blow to one once you say that you no= w=20 only have one starter. I think the coaches will continue to say they have t= wo=20 starters and play Simms out of fear of an injury affecting Applewhite. I=20 don't know if that's the right answer. Applewhite grew on the job without a= ny=20 game training before Richard Walton went down in 1998. So who knows?=20 =09 =09I would think the coaches will again rotate after the OU and Colorado ga= mes=20 because they will face teams (Missouri, Baylor, Texas Tech and Kansas) that= =20 they will probably be favored to beat. At that point, if you're UT, you jus= t=20 hope that the rotation doesn't hurt the team's offensive progress heading= =20 into the A=02?game and post-season.=20 =09? =09 =09 =09 Q: Is there a start time for the Colorado game? And will it be on TV?= =20 =09?? Marcus Phillips=20 =09 =09 BROWN: The Colorado game will be at 2:30 p.m. Central time on Oct. 14.= But=20 the game will NOT be on TV. Not even on pay-per-view. If you want to see th= is=20 one, you gotta get out to Boulder.=20 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 If you received this newsletter from a friend and would like to subscri= be,=20 sign up at: Newsletter Registration=20 =09 =09To find or change your password, modify your account, or unsubscribe fro= m=20 this newsletter, go to: Newsletter Registration =20 =09 =09Questions? Comments? Suggestions? =20 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 © Copyright 2000 The Dallas Morning News=20 =09=09[IMAGE]=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09 [IMAGE] =09=09=09 [IMAGE] =09=09=09 [IMAGE] =09=09=09=20