Enron Mail

To:shanna.husser@enron.com, timothy.blanchard@enron.com,matthew.lenhart@enron.com, bryan.hull@enron.com, david.baumbach@enron.com, m..love@enron.com, d..winfree@enron.com
Subject:FW: FW: (fwd) FW: Warning from HFD...
Date:Thu, 27 Sep 2001 08:14:42 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: Robin Wallace Corigliano [ <mailto:robinwc@charter.net<]
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 10:24 PM
To: allison; ami leatham; amonra@hia.net <mailto:amonra@hia.net<; annmarie_hfsm@hotmail.com <mailto:annmarie_hfsm@hotmail.com<;
arozzell@rimicenters.com <mailto:arozzell@rimicenters.com<; barbara; bdragoo@earthlink.net <mailto:bdragoo@earthlink.net<; Becky (instr)
Moores; bev; bismark95@hotmail.com <mailto:bismark95@hotmail.com<; bob Gonzalez; brobinso@bayou.uh.edu <mailto:brobinso@bayou.uh.edu<;
c_luber@msn.com <mailto:c_luber@msn.com<; Christa; christie.cottington@halliburton.com <mailto:christie.cottington@halliburton.com<;
CPCaudle@aol.com <mailto:CPCaudle@aol.com<; Cynthia; david barrone; dcardone@fitmac.com <mailto:dcardone@fitmac.com<;
dcardone@neosoft.com <mailto:dcardone@neosoft.com<; dcorigli@twcny.rr.com <mailto:dcorigli@twcny.rr.com<; Debra; debroll@aol.com <mailto:debroll@aol.com<;
DHebert@24hourfit.com <mailto:DHebert@24hourfit.com<; diane bagby; Donna.Young@jacobs.com <mailto:Donna.Young@jacobs.com<;
EsREDHEAD@aol.com <mailto:EsREDHEAD@aol.com<; fernanda; Fernanda (instr) Kannady;
garyg1@hotmail.com <mailto:garyg1@hotmail.com<; jay guillory; hayleyelise@hotmail.com <mailto:hayleyelise@hotmail.com<;
heyoscarg@aol.com <mailto:heyoscarg@aol.com<; higonzales@altavista.com <mailto:higonzales@altavista.com<; HIMaldonad@aol.com <mailto:HIMaldonad@aol.com<; Laura
Moffit; Patricia; natasha; tnasha@mailexcite.com <mailto:tnasha@mailexcite.com<; Stefani;
Stefani.Tjelmeland@heart.org <mailto:Stefani.Tjelmeland@heart.org<; nathan&michelle; nanci schwind; Mel
Trevino-Taylor; melody (instr) jackson; Marlene; Lydia; kris;
Kimfoley@aol.com <mailto:Kimfoley@aol.com<; kimramey; kelly.chadwell@gulfcoastseal.com <mailto:kelly.chadwell@gulfcoastseal.com<; Kathleen
(instr) Naff; joywink@hotmail.com <mailto:joywink@hotmail.com<; joeellison; jimmy; dee; veronica;
Russ; Maida; Janie; lisa beaton; liz pieratt; Susy (Sandra) Collins;
jam2172@yahoo.com <mailto:jam2172@yahoo.com<; jandmd1@prodigy.net <mailto:jandmd1@prodigy.net<; JDAntoni@24HourFit.com <mailto:JDAntoni@24HourFit.com<;
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voss; wemarch@aol.com <mailto:wemarch@aol.com<; wendy@healthandfitnessmag.com <mailto:wendy@healthandfitnessmag.com<;
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Subject: Fw: (fwd) FW: Warning from HFD...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Corigliano Joseph" < Joseph.Corigliano@HCAhealthcare.com <mailto:Joseph.Corigliano@HCAhealthcare.com<<
To: < robinwc@charter.net <mailto:robinwc@charter.net<<

Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 8:55 AM
Subject: FW: (fwd) FW: Warning from HFD...

< < -----Original Message-----
< < From: terry gonzalez [ SMTP:neva@ev1.net <mailto:SMTP:neva@ev1.net<]
< < Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 9:42 PM
< < To: Brandy Freed; carey_chenevert@cisgi.co <mailto:carey_chenevert@cisgi.co<; claverie3@msn.com <mailto:claverie3@msn.com<;
< < doktavec@prodigy.net <mailto:doktavec@prodigy.net<; Drchoicembs@aol.com <mailto:Drchoicembs@aol.com<; emmitejp@bp.com <mailto:emmitejp@bp.com<;
< < eula.bell@libertymutual.com <mailto:eula.bell@libertymutual.com<; Harris, James M; ksbradly@aol.com <mailto:ksbradly@aol.com<;
< < nrevilla@CI.Galveston.TX.U <mailto:nrevilla@CI.Galveston.TX.U<; prodriguez@frostbank.com <mailto:prodriguez@frostbank.com<;
racarroll@yahoo.com <mailto:racarroll@yahoo.com<;
< < smithjjh@bp.com <mailto:smithjjh@bp.com<; Gillingham, Sonya; teasmith@utmb.edu <mailto:teasmith@utmb.edu<;
volhocmom@aol.com <mailto:volhocmom@aol.com<;
< < todd walker
< < Subject: Fw: (fwd) FW: Warning from HFD...
< <
< < < <
< < < < I always check this stuff out when I get it. I called HFD just
< < < < and they confirmed that this is in fact true.
< < < < Thanks for the warning.
< < < < jef
< < < <
< < < < Greetings to all!
< < < < Gene has just called from downtown and asked that I forward this
< < < < info to as many of you as possible. The Houston Fire Department
< < < < received info over their wires from the federal government
< < < < about some mailings that have been received by others.
< < < <
< < < < Do not open a LARGE BLUE ENVELOPE with black lettering on the
< < < < people have already died from some type of chemical or something
on a
< < < < sponge inside.
< < < <
< < < < They are taking this seriously at this point. I would hope that
< < < < this would hit the news later, but they say there are so many
< < < < going on it's impossible to cover them all. If you do get an
envelope < < < < like this call the police department or take it to your
nearest fire
< < < < station or back to the post office.
< < < <
< < < < Just do not open it.
< < < <
< < < < How sad this all is. I guess the best thing is to stick
< < < < protecting, caring and sharing.
< < < <
< < < <
< < < <
< < < <
< < < <
< < < <
< < <